Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
DimInitData Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ClearAxisClears the dimension axis.
Public Method ClearCreationDataResets all the data in this DimInitData object.
Public Method ClearParentsClears the parent data and sets the number of parents to zero. Use between calls to CreateDimension.
Public Method ClearPlaneClears the dimension plane.
Public Method SetAngularCoordinateCounterClockwiseSet TRUE to create an angular dimension that reads counterclockwise. This is specific to angular coordinate dimensions.
Public Method SetAngularCoordOriginSet TRUE if creating an angular coordinate origin dimension.
Public Method SetAxisSets the dimension axis and will be used by explicit axis dimensions. The axis mode can be set by using the method SetAxisMode.
Public Method SetAxisModeSets the axis mode. Not used when creating a Chamfer Dimension, use SetChamferAxisMode instead.
Public Method SetChamferAxisModeSets the chamfer axis mode. Use when creating a Chamfer Dimension.
Public Method SetDimPositionSets the position of the dimension. This works in conjunction with SetDimPositionMode.
Public Method SetDimPositionModeSet TRUE to specify whether to use SetDimPosition value to position the coordinate and angular coordinate dimensions when created. Set FALSE to use default position.
Public Method SetNumberOfParentsSets the number of parents with which the dimension will be created.
Public Method SetParentByIndexSets parent data. Object must be 2d geometry, reference, or edge or vertex (for PMI). For coordinate dimensions (except the origin), the first parent must be a dimension object that belongs to the group. UseVirtualVertex is used for PMI.
Public Method SetPlaneSets the plane in which the dimension will be created. This is used only for creating PMI dimensions. (XY plane is the default plane)
Public Method SetTrue3DSketchDimensionSet TRUE to create a True dimension for a 3D sketch line or between 2 elements (one of which is a 3D sketch element). This is specific to 3D sketch dimensions.
Public Method SetTypeSets the type of dimension.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
See Also

DimInitData Object  | Solid Edge ST5 - What's New  | Solid Edge ST4 MP1 - What's New  | Solid Edge ST3 MP8 - What's New