Solid Edge Part Type Library
ExtrudedCutout Object
A cutout with a profile that follows a linear, extruded path.
Object Model
ExtrudedCutout ObjectApplication ObjectSelectSet CollectionAddIns CollectionApplication ObjectApplicationEvents ObjectApplicationV8DocumentOpenEvent ObjectApplicationWindowEvents ObjectCommand ObjectCustomization ObjectDocuments CollectionEnvironments CollectionFeatureLibraryEvents ObjectFileUIEvents ObjectMatTable ObjectInsight ObjectNewFileUIEvents ObjectApplication ObjectSEECEvents ObjectShortcutMenuEvents ObjectSolidEdgeInsightXT ObjectSolidEdgeTCE ObjectWindows CollectionFaceStyle ObjectSuppressVariable ObjectApplication Object
The ExtrudedCutout object represents an occurrence of an extruded cutout feature in a Part or Sheet Metal document. An extruded cutout feature is a cutout with a profile that follows a linear, extruded path. Except for the base feature, the profile on which this object is based can be either open or closed. For the base feature, the profile must be closed. When the profile is open, its ends are extended to the solid to form a closed intersection.
See Also

ExtrudedCutout Members