Solid Edge Part Type Library
FEAConnector Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method DeleteDelete a particular connector.
Public Method GetBoltConnectionOptionsCreate a new bolt connector
Public Method GetBoltHeadDiameter 
Public Method GetBottomGeometries 
Public Method GetConnectorTypeGet type of the connector, glue/linear.
Public Method GetConnectorValueGet the coefficient of static friction value of a linear connector.
Public Method GetFlipGet current flip condition of connector.
Public Method GetInitialPenetrationTypeValue 
Public Method GetMasterGeometriesGet array of master geometry objects (edges/vertices).
Public Method GetMinSearchDistValueGet minimum search distance value for a connector.
Public Method GetNutDiameter 
Public Method GetOIDDirMaps 
Public Method GetPenaltyValueGet penalty value of a glue connector.
Public Method GetPreStressVal 
Public Method GetShaftDiameter 
Public Method GetSlaveGeometriesGet Slave geometry objects (edges/vertices).
Public Method GetTopGeometries 
Public Method SetBoltConnectionOptions 
Public Method SetBoltHeadDiameter 
Public Method SetBottomGeometries 
Public Method SetConnectorTypeSet type of the connector.
Public Method SetConnectorValueSet the coefficient of static friction value of a linear connector.
Public Method SetFlipFlip connector direction.
Public Method SetInitialPenetrationTypeValue 
Public Method SetMasterGeometriesSet master geometry objects (edges/vertices).
Public Method SetMinSearchDistValueSet minimum search distance value for a connector.
Public Method SetNutDiameter 
Public Method SetPenaltyValueSet penalty value for a glue connector.
Public Method SetPreStressVal 
Public Method SetShaftDiameter 
Public Method SetSlaveGeometriesSet slave geometry objects (edges/vertices).
Public Method SetTopGeometries 
See Also

FEAConnector Object  | Solid Edge ST3 - What's New