Solid Edge Part Type Library
PartDocument Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ActivateMakes the referenced object the active one.
Public Method ActivateReflectivePlaneThis method will turn ON reflective plane command which is similar to checked box at ribbon bar of Inspect Tab in Solid Edge UI.
Public Method AddMeasureVariableReturns the measure variable object.
Public Method BindKeyToObjectBinds a specified reference key to a specified Occurrence, SubOccurrence, or TopologyReference object.
Public Method Break
Public Method BreakAllInterpartLinks
Public Method CloseCloses the referenced object.
Public Method CreateFeatureLibrary
Public Method CreatePreview
Public Method DeActivateReflectivePlaneThis method will turn OFF reflective plane command which is similar to unchecked box at ribbon bar of Inspect Tab in Solid Edge UI.
Public Method DeleteEntities
Public Method DeleteFrameDefineOriginAndOrientationDeletes Origin Point for Frame.
Public Method EditPropertiesDisplays the EditProperties dialog box to allow the user to interactively set and view various properties of the referenced document object.
Public Method FreezeAllInterpartLinks
Public Method GetBaseStyleReturns the base style.
Public Method GetCapturedRelationshipInformation
Public Method GetContainerDocumentAndMatrixOfIPADocReturns the container document and transform matrix for an in-place-active document.
Public Method GetContainerDocumentAndOccurrenceOfIPADoc
Public Method GetDefaultCutSizeValues
Public Method GetFrameDefineOriginAndOrientationThis method Returns Orientation Line and Origin Point for Frame.
Public Method GetGlobalParameterReturns the setting of a specified global parameter for the referenced Application or document object.
Public Method GetInContextAssemblyNameForInterpartLinks
Public Method GetLiveRulesGet Live Rules
Public Method GetMultiBodyPublishMembers
Public Method GetNumberOfParentsAndDependentsReturns the number of parents and dependents of an object.
Public Method GetParentsAndDependentsReturns the parents and dependents of an object.
Public Method GetRayIntersectionsReturns intersection points, normal at points, intersection types and intersection information for a set of bodies and set of rays
Public Method GetReflectivePlane
Public Method GetReflectivePlaneTransparencyThis method is added to get transparency status and level at Model Reflective Display command.
Public Method GetTopDocumentAndSubOccurrenceOfIPADoc
Public Method GetUserPhysicalPropertiesMethod to get the user defined physical properties
Public Method GoalSeek
Public Method HasInterpartLinks
Public Method HideThis method hides the referenced object.
Public Method ImportStylesImports the styles from the document given by Filename into the referenced document. If Overwrite is true, any duplicate styles will be overwritten.
Public Method ImportStyles2Copies styles of the specified type from the specified document. If bReplace is False, only styles that do not already exist will be copied.
Public Method InquireElementGives information about elements.
Public Method MeasureAngleMeasures the sharp angle between lines or planes or keypoints.
Public Method MeasureAngleExMeasure angle between 3 elements.
Public Method MeasureDistanceMeasures the distance between two elements.
Public Method MinimumDistanceMeasures the minimum distance between two elements.
Public Method MoveToSynchronousThis method moves ordered feature to synchronous feature.
Public Method NewWindowCreates a new window that contains the referenced document.
Public Method NormalDistanceMeasures the normal distance between lines or planes.
Public Method PlaceFeatureLibraryPlaces features from an existing document into the current document.
Public Method PMI_ByModelStateGet PMI dimensions and annotations by model state. Returns failure for invalid states.
Public Method PrintOutPrints the contents of the referenced object.
Public Method PutUserPhysicalPropertiesMethod to set the user defined physical properties
Public Method QueryByEntity
Public Method QueryByPropertyReturns a SEGenericCollection object that consists of AttachedProperty objects that match all of the query inputs.
Public Method RecomputeRecalculates the relationships in the referenced object.
Public Method RedoReapplies actions reversed via Undo.
Public Method RestoreLiveRulesRestore default Live Rules
Public Method SaveSaves the referenced object.
Public Method SaveAsSaves the referenced document to a new name, directory, or format.
Public Method SaveAsJTSaves the referenced document to JT format with specified options.
Public Method SaveBodySaves the input bodies of the input models into the given format
Public Method SaveCopyAsSaves a copy of the referenced document to a file without modifying the open document.
Public Method SaveMultiBodyPublish
Public Method SaveMultiBodyPublishMembers
Public Method SeekReadOnlyAccess
Public Method SeekWriteAccessSeeks write access to the document if it is available.
Public Method SendMailDistributes the referenced document using the installed electronic mail system.
Public Method Separate
Public Method SetBaseStyleReturns the base style.
Public Method SetDefaultCutSizeValues
Public Method SetFrameDefineOriginAndOrientationDefine the default origin point for frame cross sections
Public Method SetGlobalParameterSets the value of a specified global parameter for the referenced Application or document object.
Public Method SetLiveRulesSet Live Rules
Public Method SetReflectivePlaneThis method is added to turn ON individual reflective plane(i.e. Top\Front\Right) and apply distance to the same which is similar to checked box at Model Reflective Display Dialogue in SE UI.
Public Method SetReflectivePlaneTransparencyThis method is added to turn transparency and applying transparency level of reflective plane which is similar to check box of transparency control at Model Reflective Display Dialogue box in Solid Edge UI.
Public Method Show
Public Method ShowOnly
Public Method ShowParentsAndChildren
Public Method SuspendLiveRulesSuspend Live Rules
Public Method SuspendPersistedRelationshipsSuspend/Relax Persisted Relationships until successful edit
Public Method SuspendPMISuspend/Relax PMI until successful edit
Public Method ThawAllInterpartLinks
Public Method ToggleRefPlanesDisplayControls the display of the reference planes.
Public Method TransformToSynchronousSheetmetal
Public Method UndoReversed a specified number of actions.
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveSketchReturns the active Sketch object.
Public Property AddInsStorageReturns an IUnknown pointer to the object that implements the IStorage corresponding to the add-in substorage for the referenced object.
Public Property AdjustableDefinitionReturns the adjustable definition object.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttachedPropertyTablesReturns the AttachedPropertyTables object for the referenced document object.
Public Property AttributeQueryReturns the AttributeQuery object.
Public Property AutomaticTransitionToSolutionManagerDetermines whether a transition will occur to solution manager automatically after a successful edit.
Public Property BendTable
Public Property BodyCheckSpecifies whether or not the referenced document object contains a valid parasolid body.
Public Property CapturedRelationshipCount
Public Property ComponentName
Public Property ComponentSketches
Public Property Constraints
Public Property ConstructionsReturns the Constructions collection object.
Public Property CoordinateSystemsRepresents a collection of CoordinateSystem objects.
Public Property CreatedVersionReturns the version of Solid Edge that was used to create the referenced document.
Public Property DesignBodyVisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property DesignEdgebarFeaturesThis read-only property returns the EdgeBarFeatures collection object (ordered features) for the referenced object. The collection is dynamically updated, based on history changes.
Public Property DimensionStylesReturns the DimensionStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property DirtySpecifies whether or not the referenced document has been modified since the last time it was saved.
Public Property DisableMoveToSynchronous
Public Property DividedPartsReturns the DividedParts collection object for the referenced Part of Sheet Metal document.
Public Property DividePartEventsReturns the DividePartEvents object for the referenced document object.
Public Property DocumentEventsReturns the DocumentEvents object for the referenced document object.
Public Property FaceStylesReturns the FaceStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property FamilyMembersReturns the FamilyMembers collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property FamilyOfPartsEventsThis read-only property returns the FamilyOfPartsEvents collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property FamilyOfPartsExEvents
Public Property FillStylesReturns the FillStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property FlatPatternEdgebarFeatures
Public Property FlatPatternModelsReturns flat pattern models collecton
Public Property FullNameReturns the name and path of the referenced object.
Public Property GeometricVersionReturns a value that is incremented each time the geometry of an associated document is changed.
Public Property HardwareFile
Public Property HasCapturedRelationships
Public Property HatchPatternStylesReturns the HatchPatternStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property HighlightSetsReturns the HighlightSets collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property HoleDataCollectionReturns the HoleDataCollection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property InPlaceActivatedSpecifies whether or not the referenced document is in-place activated.
Public Property InterDocumentUpdate
Public Property InterpartLinks
Public Property IsAdjustablePartReturns whether file is adjustable or not.
Public Property IsFeatureLibrarySpecifies whether or not the referenced PartDocument or SheetMetalDocument is a feature library.
Public Property IsGeometricVersionDirtyRetrieves whether the geometric version number of the assembly document is dirty or not.
Public Property IsInsightFileReturns indication of whether the file is an Insight managed file.
Public Property IsMultiCADDriven
Public Property IsTemplateSpecifies whether or not the referenced document is a template.
Public Property LastSavedVersionReturns the version of Solid Edge that was used the last time the referenced document was saved.
Public Property LayersReturns the Layers collection object.
Public Property LinearStylesReturns the LinearStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property LockedSketch
Public Property ModelingModeThe property transitions the document between Synchronous and Ordered as is done in the UI via Pathfinder or a context menu.
Public Property ModelsReturns the Models collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PathReturns the directory path name of the referenced document.
Public Property PhysicalPropertiesStatusThis read-only property returns the status of the physical properties of the model for the referenced object.
Public Property ProfileSetsReturns the ProfileSets collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property ProfileUndoStepsThis read-write Long property sets and returns the number of profile undo steps for the referenced document object.
Public Property PropertiesFor document objects, returns the PropertiesCollection colletion object. For Variables, sets and returns the variable properties.
Public Property PropertyTableDefinitionsReturns the PropertyTableDefinitions object for the referenced document object.
Public Property ReadOnlySpecifies whether or not the referenced document has been opened as read-only.
Public Property RefAxesReturns the RefAxes collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property RefPlanesReturns the RefPlanes collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property RootStorageReturns the IUnknown pointer to the object implementing the root storage of the referenced document.
Public Property RoutingSlipReturns the RoutingSlip object for the referenced document.
Public Property SelectSetReturns the current selection set for the referenced document.
Public Property SensorsReturns the Sensors collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property ShowCurvatureCombsToggles the display of curvature combs for the referenced object.
Public Property SimplifiedModelsReturns the Simplified Models collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property SimplifyEdgebarFeaturesThis read-only property returns the EdgeBarFeatures collection object (ordered features) for the referenced object. The collection is dynamically updated, based on history changes.
Public Property SketchesReturns the Sketches collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property Sketches3DReturns the 3D Sketches collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property StudyOwnerGet Study Owner object from the document.
Public Property SummaryInfoReturns a SheetSummaryInfo object to provide access to descriptive properties for the referenced document.
Public Property Terminals
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property UndoStepsThis read-write Long property sets and returns the number of undo steps for the referenced document object.
Public Property UnitsOfMeasureReturns the UnitsOfMeasure object for the referenced document.
Public Property UserDefinedSets
Public Property VariablesReturns the Variables collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property ViewStylesReturns the ViewStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property WindowsReturns the Windows collection object.
See Also

PartDocument Object