Solid Edge Part Type Library
AddFinite Method
Specifies the number of profiles on which the revolved feature is to be based.
Contains the Profile objects on which the revolved feature is to be based.
Specifies the RefAxis object about which the feature is to be rotated.
A member of the FeaturePropertyConstants constant set that indicates the direction in relation to the reference plane, in which the revolved feature extends. For example, this argument specifies if a revolved protrusion extends to the positive, negative, or both directions of the profile's reference plane.
Specifies in radians the sweep of the angle of revolution.
Specifies whether you want end caps (thus creating a closed volume).
Adds a 3-D feature object to an object collection.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddFinite( _
   ByVal NumberOfProfiles As Long, _
   ByRef ProfileArray() As Object, _
   ByVal RefAxis As RefAxis, _
   Optional ByVal ProfilePlaneSide As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal AngleofRevolution As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal WantEndCaps As Boolean = False _
) As RevolvedSurface
Specifies the number of profiles on which the revolved feature is to be based.
Contains the Profile objects on which the revolved feature is to be based.
Specifies the RefAxis object about which the feature is to be rotated.
A member of the FeaturePropertyConstants constant set that indicates the direction in relation to the reference plane, in which the revolved feature extends. For example, this argument specifies if a revolved protrusion extends to the positive, negative, or both directions of the profile's reference plane.
Specifies in radians the sweep of the angle of revolution.
Specifies whether you want end caps (thus creating a closed volume).
See Also

RevolvedSurfaces Collection  | RevolvedSurfaces Members