Solid Edge Part Type Library
Round Object
A material treatment to an existing edge or set of edges.
Object Model
Round ObjectApplication ObjectSelectSet CollectionAddIns CollectionApplication ObjectApplicationEvents ObjectApplicationV8DocumentOpenEvent ObjectApplicationWindowEvents ObjectCommand ObjectCustomization ObjectDocuments CollectionEnvironments CollectionFeatureLibraryEvents ObjectFileUIEvents ObjectMatTable ObjectInsight ObjectNewFileUIEvents ObjectApplication ObjectSEECEvents ObjectShortcutMenuEvents ObjectSolidEdgeInsightXT ObjectSolidEdgeTCE ObjectWindows CollectionFaceStyle ObjectSuppressVariable ObjectApplication Object
A round is a material treatment to an existing edge or set of edges. Therefore, the Round object cannot exist independently. Instead, it replaces an existing edge with a convex transition between adjoining faces. The Round object is created through the Rounds collection object. A Round object can replace a single edge or a set of edges. If the Round object is created from a set of edges, then all replaced material acts as one object. Therefore, operations such as deleting and suppressing, for example, affect all areas of the part that comprise the Round object.
See Also

Round Members