Solid Edge Part Type Library
Sketch Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetLocalXAxisGets the Sketch's grid axis.
Public Method GetMatrixReturns the transformation matrix.
Public Method GetStatusExReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Method ReorderInserts the referenced object in front of or behind another feature.
Public Method RollToFeatureRolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Public Method SetLocalXAxisSets the Sketch's grid axis.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayName
Public Property EdgebarName
Public Property EnableRegionsSpecifies whether or not the Sketch will display regions.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsUnderDefinedThis read-only Boolean property returns True when the referenced ProfileSet object is under defined (that is, insufficiently constrained geometrically).
Public Property LockedSpecifies whether or not the Sketch is locked as the active sketch.
Public Property MergeWithCoplanarSketchesSpecifies whether or not the Sketch merges with co-planar sketches.
Public Property MigrateGeometryAndDimensionsSpecifies whether the sketch geometry will be migrated and moved to a used sketch when used to create a feature.
Public Property MirrorPlaneThis read-write property sets and returns the plane about which to mirror for the referenced object.
Public Property MirrorSketchThis read-write property sets and returns the mirror sketch for the referenced Sketch object.
Public Property ModelingModeTypeReturns the modeling mode of the referenced object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property ProfileReturns the Sketch's Profile object.
Public Property ProfilesReturns the Profiles collection object.
Public Property ShowSketchColorsSpecifies whether the sketch colors or the element colors are displayed for the referenced object.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property SystemName
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
See Also

Sketch Object