Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V16 SP6 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           22-Mar-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:,,,,,

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 2043470: Fixed a crash that could occur when closing an assembly file.
PR 5125382: Fixed a problem accessing a specific FOA member causes an abort
PR 1305116: Fixed a problem with losing explode data in FOA files containing patterns.
PR 1339103: Fixed a problem with close and return from an assembly
PR 2046310: Fixed a problem with the Suboccurences API
PR 5126803: Fixed a problem that will help locate the end point of a line segment easier.
PR 5127035: Fixed a problem where bind failures occurred for features created when placing systems libraries
PR 5127223: Fixes a problem with objects not highlighting with Virtual Studio+ active.
PR 5134683: Fixed a problem where piping does not update correctly.
PR 5135396: Fixed a problem where assembly could not be saved after bringing the assembly up from draft.
PR 5137002: Fixed a problem with preserving the As Last Saved s setting in pre -v15 files.
PR 2046450: Fixed an crash when the user closes an assembly file after breaking links on this assembly file.
PR 1377663: Fixed a problem to help improve assembly performance in some case.
PR 2045362: Fixed a problem with the import of a UG file into Solid Edge V16.
PR 2046259: Fixed a problem with Solid Edge not responding when user tried to edit-open an open file from draft.
PR 5139282: Fixed a problem with an assembly constraint


PR 1373121: Fixed a problem where the Density variables remain unchanged after deleting a custom property.
PR 1380786: Fixed a problem where selecting "2000" from the version box was causing the translator to use v12 data.
PR 2046426: Fixed a problem with profile performance for features with many profiles when "sketch relationship color" is on.
PR 5062845: Fixed a problem where a macro will not run because it has been relocated on the file system.
PR 5128332: Fixed a problem with subsequent features after recomputing chain contour flanges
PR 1380786: Fixed a problem where Save as flat does no t create arcs
PR 2046965: Fixed a problem to that allowed users to insert Solid Edge model files into Draft through Insert Object.
PR 1146128: Fixed a problem where the area properties are giving wrong results.
PR 1378295: Fixed a problem with the update of revolved section views.

PR 5126854: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge is aborting when placing dimensions on ISO views
PR 1361857: Fixed a problem with drawing view graphics being placed on the "Auto - Hide" layer.
PR 5107700: Fixed a problem where some of the textboxes are growing in size when translated out.
PR 1383637: Fixed a problem with custom center line style not retaining line type

PR 1382365: Fixed a problem where an unmanaged linked file was not getting uploaded to the server
PR 5135810: Fixed a problem when renaming a file to a location where the already a file name exists
PR 5136267: Added support to Add Share Point Site URLs to the SearchScope.txt.
PR 5139033: Fixed a problem related to Draft file viewing
PR 1369837: Fixed a problem with API instability problem when accessing viewer via VB6
PR 1383771: Fixed a problem where it was taking long time to open the testcase in RevMgr
PR 1386346: Fixed a problem with Link Fix up when past tense is set
PR 5034894: Fixed a problem with Draft files that have a black background
PR 5138999: Fixed a problem with save and file system timing issue during upload
PR 1387470: Fixed a problem where it was taking long to open a file with empty cache
PR 5141539: Fixed a problem where it is taking it long to open a large assembly
