Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V16 SP7 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           04-May-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:,,,,,,

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 2047087: Fixed a problem of not being able to create a variable override right after a new member is created.
PR 2047252: Fixed a problem where files are not saved to specified destination when opening an UG assembly.
PR 5053529: Fixed a problem where using QuickPick for Measure was always selecting the first element
PR 1391409: Fixed a problem where interparts would be broken after in-place activating and doing a save as.
PR 5154834: Fixed a problem where IPC fails on an Assembly
PR 1391932: Fixed a problem where Assembly feature failed in V16
PR 1392991: Fixed a problem where relationship on adjustable parts to not update correctly in Move Part.
PR 1394374: Fixed a problem where Pattern of Parts was not updating correctly.
PR 5170963: Fixed a problem where cannot create frame line segments to midpoint


PR 1390139: Fixed a crash that occurred during display while editing a pattern
PR 5147871: Fixed a crash while displaying sensor status tooltip
PR 2047497: Fixed a problem where density is no longer available in Units properties.
PR 5134998: Fixed a problem with performance opening an assembly file with inactive parts.
PR 5157321: Fixed a case-specific abort
PR 1387673: Fixed a problem in detecting self-intersection during profile validation
PR 5043282: Fixed a problem where control of the unit readout for exposed variable custom properties is now handled through the File Properties->Advanced Units tab except for Density, Accuracy, and Weld Bead Density, which will utilize maximum precision necessary to prevent data loss.
PR 5054338: Fixed a problem protrusion does not use all characters of a Text Profile. Note: In order to see the fix, edit the text by taking one character out and putting it back to trigger a change / update.

PR 5150756: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge aborts or hangs when text is being placed.
PR 1304193: Fixed a problem with the section view of construction sheets.
PR 1387729: Fixed a problem where coordinates in grid tool are not displayed in older files
PR 1390262: Fixed a problem where parts list balloon quantity is incorrect when opening a draft file without model files
PR 1391507: Fixed a problem with the broken out section view profile shifting after view scale change
PR 5149164: Fixed a problem where 3D dimension gets copied when control dragged
PR 1391787: Fixed a problem with styles on drawing views that have been copied and pasted.
PR 1392388: Fixed a problem where nothing is imported from DWG file using German or Spanish
PR 2047071: Fixed a problem  where you can't drag a center mark in "Draw in View" from one element to another.
PR 1395101: Fixed a problem where sub-assemblies are still included in the parts list with 'exclude reference parts' option selected and all parts of the subassembly are reference parts.


PR 1381448: Quit method in RevisionManager.Application is ready.
PR 5153634: Fixed a problem where modifications to the MechanicalModeling property set now works
PR 1370653: Fixed a problem where an addin menu does not appear in all environments


PR 5058274: Fixed a problem where Linked/Embedded Solid Edge files will open quicker.
PR 1391901: Fixed a problem that caused a crash during LCA.
PR 5159362: Fixed a problem where removing access for a doc lib results in no access to other doc libs in that site.
PR 5173623: Fixed an abort while executing the Save command from View and Markup.
PR 1397179: Fixed a problem where you can't view pcf's created from a draft in V16
PR 2049038: Fixed a problem where the Solid Edge Free viewer causes error in inserting image to drawing pcf.
