Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V16 SP9 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           31-Aug-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:,,,,,,,,

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 1401263: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge crashes in VS+ after SaveAsImage.
PR 1403241: Fixed a problem in which you could not save the file after creating a CAM constraint.
PR 1404524: Fixed a problem with portions of a weldment being absent when placed in an assembly.
PR 1406724: Fixed a problem where selection of faces is not possible after replacing asm with pwd
PR 1409665: Fixed a problem where Editing dimensions in XpresRoute let other dims change to zero
PR 5177957: Fixed a problem where new parts were visible after applying a config.
PR 5158354: Fixed a problem where an Assembly driven part hole features had missing holes after edit
PR 2049631: Fixed a problem where assembly had bad links that could not be deleted
PR 1392663: Fixed a problem where a macro fails to create interpar t constructions
PR 2049631: Fixed a problem that will allow clean up invalid links created by variant sites.
PR 5158354: Fixed a problem where Assembly driven part hole features had missing holes after edit


PR 1403796: Fixed a problem that caused an abort when populating FOP members.
PR 5199297: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge hangs when updating Solid Edge Admin file location.
PR 5232029: Fixed a crash when solving detached dimensions (missing geometry parent).
PR 1398448: Fixed a problem that cuased an out of memory message using copy/paste in profile.
PR 1412596: Fixed a problem where a part copy did not update when the FOP member was changed.
PR 2047371: Fixed a problem with License-File List, for users with both admin and non-admin privileges.
PR 2049678: Fixed a problem that caused Solid Edge to hang in 'GoTo' while rolling back to the last feature.
PR 5206402: Changed the message that displays when an out of memory condition occurs during file open.

PR 1394050: Fixed a problem that caused crashes with many cases when updating Drawing Views.
PR 1405887: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge crashed when opening certain .DFT files.
PR 5208393: Fixed many crashes based on Crashlog files caputed and submitted to Solid Edge.
PR 1390217: Fixed a problem with detached dimensions after copy / paste drawing views.
PR 1412886: Fixed a problem where some dimensions are disappearing on file open.


PR 1412431: Added DrawingView.IsBroken API to indicate if a view is in the broken state.
PR 1392663: Fixed a problem where a macro failed to create interpart constructions.
PR 1410684: Fixed a problem where an addin could encounter an invalid argument exception when working with the edgebar.
PR 1406741: UpdateAll automation api updates only the modified documents when debug registry switch UPDATE_ALLMODIFIED_DOCUMENTS is set to 1.


PR 5164307: "Open in Dashboard" menu will now be shown if the user Right clicks on Share point URL in search results.
