Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V17 SP5 - Readme

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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           28-Sep-2005

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
 • Windows 2000 Professional® operating system running Service Pack 4.
 • Windows XP Professional® operating system running Service Pack 1 or 2.
 • Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

This Update should be installed on top of Solid Edge Version:,,,,

End of Release Notes

This Update addresses the following:


PR 1383720: Fixed a problem that caused a crash when creating an assembly cutout feature.
PR 5249028: Fixed a problem that caused a crash using Close and Return on several documents after IPA.
PR 1416842: Fixed a problem with part naming for multiple occurrences of standard parts
PR 1418627: Fixed a problem with adding custom parts created in V15 to V17 standard parts database.
PR 2049631: Fixed a problem with invalid links created by variant sites.
PR 1352921: Fixed a problem with "Activate all" performance
PR 1420008: Fixed a problem with updating of associative sketches that contain patterns.
PR 2053234: Fixed a problem of updating sub occurrence objects after "Unload Hidden parts" is used.
PR 5310192: Fixed a problem with error assistant.
PR 5314556: Fixed a problem with the CMM-based IDeas->SE Migration process.


PR 1413130: Fixed a problem with interpart copy performance with lots of faces to copy.
PR 1413586: Fixed a problem with the calculation of Mass in Inspect->Physical Properties.
PR 2052767: Fixed a problem with chain locate
PR 5224755: Fixed a problem where closing part documents was not releasing memory.
PR 1419494: Fixed a problem where features were not correctly oriented after placing a feature library
PR 1420976: Fixed a problem that caused SE to hang.
PR 1444931: Fixed a problem where Draft Face Analysis was storing the draft direction.
PR 5314218: Fixed aborts based on reported via auto crashlog
PR 5314625: Fixed a problem where density values persist across locales.
PR 1445781: Fixed a problem where Save as Flat creates incorrect geometry.

PR 5313912: Fixed a problem where "Convert to 2d View" generates blank views.
PR 2047719: Fixed a problem that caused an abort when saving to dxf or dwg using layer and attribute mapping.
PR 1416584: Fixed a problem where dimensions attached to bspline curves fail on opening document in V17.
PR 1416996: Fixed a problem with the display of surface texture symbols
PR 5303209: Fixed a problem where some older draft files would not open.
PR 5312519: Fixed a problem that caused copy/paste to fail for some drawing views.


PR 5302500: Fixed a problem where DeleteHoles.Add no longer works.
PR 1419792: Provided an API for Draft to fix the bend radius problem.
PR 2052477: Fixed a problem with the display of dimension changing when GetDisplayData method is used.
