Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V18 SP7 - What's New
Problem Reports
Item Description
PR 5418443 Fixed a problem resetting the link resolution property in Revision Manager API.
PR 1533978 Fixed a problem where a Macro will not change the color of a cutting plane line.
PR 1507804 Fixed a problem where you are unable to create assembly features using the APIs
PR 5556450 Enabled Migration commands with a Solid Edge Foundation License
PR 2067772 Need API for "Subfix 2" of dimension Prefix, added function SubfixString2.
PR 2067773 Need API for "Subfix horizontal alignment" of dimension Prefix, Added function SubfixAlignment and SubfixAlignmentConstants - seSubfixAlignLeft and seSubfixAlignCenter
New APIs
See Also