Solid Edge ST7 SDK
Solid Edge V20 SP11 - Readme

Legal Notices
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Release Notes:

Product:        Solid Edge
Date:           09-Jan-2009

This release of Solid Edge has been certified to run on the following:
    • Windows XP Professional® operating system (32 bit or 64 bit)
    • Windows Vista Business® or Vista Enterprise® operating system (32 bit or 64 bit)
    • Internet Explorer 7.0 (IE 6.0 minimum)

This Update can be installed on top of Version:,,,,,,,,,, or

Note: Updates are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base release
      or any released Update.

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Update to your machine, dbl click the downloaded file
and the Update will install.

End of Installation

This Update addresses the following Customer Reported PRs:


PR 5996010: Cam relationship problem
PR 5728763: Adding a single constraint to an adjustable assembly fails
PR 6015494: Move Part with physical motion crashes
PR 2098270: Solid Edge crashes when clicking white area of Display Configurations
PR 5918252: Pattern not updating in this file when Height is set to original value
PR 6061245: Error in Column Designer when calculating Moments of inertia
PR 1668883: Moving a part causes duplicate occurrences to be created in Edgebar
PR 1693966: Out of context tube still updates after a Save As of the assembly
PR 2110043: Solid Edge aborts when deleting master part of pattern
PR 6045268: Assembly not found error when opening a read-only upper-level FOA
PR 5981608: Adding a sketch causes unrealistic file size growth
PR 2097365: Variable renamed by user in V19 is not being displayed with variable table filter
PR 6061778: Solid Edge aborts when printing


PR 5886153: Unable to create Sheet Metal features on a Contour Flange
PR 2111593: Strange lines appear in the provided draft file
PR 1674428: Memory issue with large FOP master file
PR 1688195: Wrong cut-size after flattening a part
PR 6044788: Accessing material table causes an abort
PR 2110210: When "Go To" command is executed, Solid Edge will soon abort
PR 2111993: Link being created even with Interpart options turned off
PR 6075309: XpresRoute floating license not functioning properly


PR 1682459: Solid Edge line width to ACAD color mapping doesn't work
PR 2108454: Draft file will not open
PR 1683725: Unable to drive position of text profile with dimensions
PR 1698339: Draft file aborts when a fit is performed
PR 2070745: Text position of a Chamfer Dimension value is shifted
PR 5938516: Weld Symbol Properties dialog missing on General tab at times
PR 1687099: Dimensions disappear when views are converted to 2D
PR 2100529: When a DXF file is opened, Double byte characters are not displayed
PR 2110404: Cannot show hidden edge with "Show Edge" command
PR 1672422: Solid Edge is locking up when adding geometry on the working sheet
PR 1686469: Solid Edge will crash when editing a callout with property text
PR 1692306: Drawing views disappear when file is opened
PR 1694320: Mirror command does not create connect constraints
PR 2095507: Fill is applied to an area outside the selection
PR 2110529: Dimension value is lying on top of Dimension line
PR 2111938: AutoCAD file with multiple text color is not imported
PR 6064282: Angular dimensions incorrect when saving to AutoCAD

PR 1675689: SE x64 crashes in Models::AddSweptProtrusion
PR 4007438: Added the ability to create preview under properties via automation
PR 1663220: Added Block delete API

PR 6048198: Not able to select a zone on the File -> Open dialog for Insight managed files
PR 6045318: Insight: LCA not changing “In Work” back to “Available”
PR 1687267: Changing display configurations of subassembly will crash
