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LOV Messages
[List of Values]


Define Documentation

#define LOV_ask_disp_values_msg   "LOV_ask_disp_values"

Converts an LOV to a list of strings. This message is called by LOV_ask_disp_values_<type> and anywhere Teamcenter wants to know the list of string values of a specified LOV. This message should use MEM_alloc to allocate space for setting ** disp_values.

For example, LOV with integer values

tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const int* values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.
LOV with double values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const double* values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.
LOV with char values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const char* values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.
LOV with string values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const char** values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.
LOV with date values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const date_t* values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.
LOV with tag values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
LOV_usage_t lov_usage Usage of the LOV.
int n_values Number of values to be converted.
const tag_t* values Values in the LOV.
const logical* is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
const logical* is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.
char*** disp_values The converted string values.

Definition at line 204 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_ask_num_of_values_msg   "LOV_ask_num_of_values"

Gets the number of values in an LOV. This message is called by LOV_ask_num_of_values.

tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance
int* length The number of values

Definition at line 124 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_ask_value_desc_msg   "LOV_ask_value_descriptions"

Asks the list of value descriptions of an LOV. A default method for this message is registered for all LOVs automatically. This message is called by LOV_ask_value_descriptions.

tag_t lov_tag Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values Number of values returned.
char*** desc_strings The converted string values.
logical** is_null Indicates which value(s) are null.
logical** is_empty Indicates which value(s) are empty.

Definition at line 217 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_ask_values_by_coworker_msg   "LOV_ask_values_by_coworker"

Ask values by users own method.

Teamcenter doesn't provide a default method for this message.
This message is deprecated.

Definition at line 132 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_ask_values_msg   "LOV_ask_values"

Asks the list of values of an LOV. Is called by the LOV_ask_values_<type> and anywhere Teamcenter wants to know the list of values of a specified LOV. A default method for this message is registered for all LOVs automatically. Returning the value is done by using MEM_alloc to allocate space for * values and setting that space to the desired value.

For example, LOV with integer values

tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
int** values Values in the LOV.
LOV with double values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
double** values Values in the LOV.
LOV with char values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
char** values Values in the LOV.
LOV with string values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
char*** values Values in the LOV.
LOV with date values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
date_t** values Values in the LOV.
LOV with tag values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int* n_values The number of returned values.
tag_t** values Values in the LOV.

Definition at line 75 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_is_valid_msg   "LOV_is_valid"

Verifies that an LOV value is valid. It is called by the LOV_is_value_valid_<type> and anywhere Teamcenter wants to verify the value with a specified LOV. A default method for this message is registered for all LOVs automatically.

For example, LOV with integer values

tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
int value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.
LOV with double values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
double value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.
LOV with char values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
char value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.
LOV with string values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
const char* value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.
LOV with date values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
date_t value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.
LOV with tag values
tag_t lov Unique identifier (tag) of the LOV instance.
tag_t value The value to be verified.
logical* answer Returns TRUE if valid and FALSE if not valid.

Definition at line 115 of file lov_msg.h.

#define LOV_validate_by_coworker_msg   "LOV_valid_by_coworker"

Validate a value by users own method.

Teamcenter doesn't provide a default method for this message.
This message is deprecated.

Definition at line 140 of file lov_msg.h.