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ID Creator
[Integration Tool Kit]

Detailed Description

The set of ITK given here accesses TcIDCreator class, which can be used to format item ids or change ids based on user defined formats. For example if a user wants to create an id format which will follow a sequence as given below:

EC000AA, EC000AB, EC000AC,....,EC752AC, EC752AD,...,ECZZZ98,ECZZZ99.

then following steps can be used to produce this ID sequence:


Once this is done, every time the function below is called, it returns the next id by incrementing it by one.





Define Documentation

#define RUNNING   (1)

Type of sequence

Running Sequence starts from alpha A to Z,a to z or Digit - 0 to 9

Definition at line 54 of file tcidcreator.h.

#define STATIC   (2)

Type of sequence

Any Static String sequence

Definition at line 61 of file tcidcreator.h.

Function Documentation

TC_API int TCID_add_sequence ( tag_t  tcid,
char *  digSeq,
char *  start,
int  type 

This function is used to add a sequence to the ID format.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID Format.
digSeq  (I) Specifies the sequence of Digits(e.g., 1-2, 3-5, etc)
start  (I) Specifies the starting value of the sequence(e.g., 0, AA, AAA etc)
type  (I) Type of format, either STATIC or RUNNING.
RUNNING sequence starts from alpha (A to Z, a to z) or it can start from numeric (0 to 9).
STATIC sequence can be static string sequence.

TC_API int TCID_ask_id_length ( tag_t  tcid,
int *  length 

Returns ID length of a given TCID object

tcid  (I)
length  (O)

TC_API int TCID_ask_sequence ( tag_t  tcid,
int  index,
char **  digSeq,
char **  start,
int *  type 

Returns the sequence of the digits, starting value and type information of the sequence, at the specified index of the ID Format.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID Format.
index  (I) Index of the sequence in the ID format.
digSeq  (OF) Sequence of Digits.
start  (OF) Starting Value of the sequence.
type  (O) Type of format, either STATIC or RUNNING.

TC_API int TCID_create ( int  number_of_digits,
tag_t new_tcid 

This function is used to create an ID format with the specified number of digits. The function TCID_add_sequence is used to add sequences to the newly create ID Format. The total number of digits specified through the TCID_add_sequence function calls must be equal to the number of digits (number_of_digits) used to create the ID Format.

number_of_digits  (I) Total number of digits required to create an ID Format
new_tcid  (O) Tag of the new ID format.

TC_API int TCID_delete ( tag_t  tcid  ) 

Deletes the ID format.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format.

TC_API int TCID_get_initial_value ( tag_t  tcid,
char **  initialValue 

Returns the initial revision ID as per the ID format provided as input. This value is independent of the stored value. This function is used for revision ID generation only.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format
initialValue  (OF) Initial revision ID value

TC_API int TCID_get_next_value ( tag_t  tcid,
char **  nextValue 

Returns the next ID value based on the ID format provided as input.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format.
nextValue  (OF) Next ID value.

TC_API int TCID_get_succeeding_value ( tag_t  tcid,
char *  value,
char **  newValue 

Returns the succeeding value of the ID provided as input and also as per the ID format provided as input. This value is independent of the stored value. This function is used for revision ID generation only.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format.
value  (I) Revision ID provided as input
newValue  (OF) Subsequent revision ID value obtained based on the input ID and ID format

TC_API int TCID_number_of_sequences ( tag_t  tcid,
int *  n_sequences 

Returns the number of sequences in an ID format.

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format.
n_sequences  (O) Number of sequence in the ID format

TC_API int TCID_save ( tag_t  tcid  ) 

Saves the changes made to the ID format

tcid  (I) Tag of the ID format.