Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
PlanarRelation3d Object
Makes the planar face of a feature on one part parallel with the planar face of a feature on another part.
Object Model
PlanarRelation3d ObjectOccurrence ObjectAdjustablePart ObjectTube ObjectAdjustablePart ObjectSubassemblyBodies CollectionSubOccurrences CollectionAssemblyDocument ObjectOccurrence ObjectAdjustablePart ObjectTube ObjectAdjustablePart ObjectSubassemblyBodies CollectionSubOccurrences CollectionAssemblyDocument Object
This relationship makes the planar face of a feature on one part parallel with the planar face of a feature on another part. The placement of this relationship is limited to the interactive environment. Once placed, however, you can use automation to modify the offset of the planar alignment. Also, from this object, you can access information about the type of relationship and the associated parts. The interactive user places PlanarRelation3d objects using the Mate and Align commands. A mate and planar align are the same except for the orientation of the faces, which is defined by the NormalsAligned property.
See Also

PlanarRelation3d Members

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