Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Mirror Method
Specifies the x coordinate of the first point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the y coordinate of the first point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the x coordinate of the second point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the y coordinate of the second point on the mirror axis.
Specifies whether or not the copied object will be active.
Copies the referenced object about an axis.
Visual Basic
Public Function Mirror( _
   ByVal x1 As Double, _
   ByVal y1 As Double, _
   ByVal x2 As Double, _
   ByVal y2 As Double, _
   Optional ByVal BooleanCopyFlag As Variant _
) As Object
Specifies the x coordinate of the first point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the y coordinate of the first point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the x coordinate of the second point on the mirror axis.
Specifies the y coordinate of the second point on the mirror axis.
Specifies whether or not the copied object will be active.
See Also

Leader Object  | Leader Members