Solid Edge Framework Type Library
AddCustomProperty Method
Visual Basic
Public Sub AddCustomProperty( _
   ByVal bstrMatName As String, _
   ByVal bstrMatLibName As String, _
   ByVal bstrPropName As String, _
   ByVal ePropUnitType As UnitTypeConstants, _
   ByVal varPropValue As Variant _
igUnitAmountOfSubstanceUnit Type - Amount of Substance
igUnitAngleUnit Type - Angle
igUnitAngularAccelerationUnit Type - Angular Acceleration
igUnitAngularMomentumUnit Type - Angular Momentum
igUnitAngularVelocityUnit Type - Angular Velocity
igUnitAreaUnit Type - Area
igUnitBodyForceUnit Type - Body Force
igUnitCoefficientOfThermalExpansionUnit Type - Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
igUnitDensityUnit Type - Density
igUnitDistanceUnit Type - Distance
igUnitDynamicViscosityUnit Type - Dynamic Viscosity
igUnitElectricalCapacitanceUnit Type - Electrical Capacitance
igUnitElectricalConductanceUnit Type - Electrical Conductance
igUnitElectricalFieldStrengthUnit Type - Electrical Fieldf Strength
igUnitElectricalInductanceUnit Type - Electrical Inductance
igUnitElectricalPotentialUnit Type - Electrical Potential
igUnitElectricalResistanceUnit Type - Electrical Resistance
igUnitElectricChargeUnit Type - Electrical Charge
igUnitEnergyUnit Type - Energy
igUnitEnergyDensityUnit Type - EnergyDensity
igUnitEntropyUnit Type - Entropy
igUnitFilmCoefficientUnit Type - Film Coefficient
igUnitForceUnit Type - Force
igUnitForcePerAreaUnit Type - Force Per Area
igUnitForcePerDistanceUnit Type - Force Per Distance
igUnitFrequencyUnit Type - Frequency
igUnitHeatCapacityUnit Type - Heat Capacity
igUnitHeatFluxPerAreaUnit Type - Heat Flux Per Area
igUnitHeatFluxPerDistanceUnit Type - Heat Flux Per Distance
igUnitHeatGenerationUnit Type - Heat Generation
igUnitHeatSourceUnit Type - Heat Source
igUnitIlluminanceUnit Type - Illuminance
igUnitKinematicViscosityUnit Type - Kinematic Viscosity
igUnitLinearAccelerationUnit Type - Linear Acceleration
igUnitLinearPerAngularUnit Type - Linear Per Angular
igUnitLinearVelocityUnit Type - Linear Velocity
igUnitLuminousFluxUnit Type - Luminous Flux
igUnitLuminousIntensityUnit Type - Luminous Intensity
igUnitMagneticFieldStrengthUnit Type - Magnetic Field Strength
igUnitMagneticFluxUnit Type - Magnetic Flux
igUnitMagneticFluxDensityUnit Type - Magnetic Flux Density
igUnitMassUnit Type - Mass
igUnitMassFlowRateUnit Type - Mass Flow Rate
igUnitMassMomentOfInertiaUnit Type - Mass Moment of Inertia
igUnitMassPerAreaUnit Type - Mass Per Area
igUnitMassPerLengthUnit Type - Mass Per Length
igUnitMomentumUnit Type - Momentum
igUnitPerDistanceUnit Type - Per Distance
igUnitPowerUnit Type - Power
igUnitPressureUnit Type - Pressure
igUnitQuantityOfElectricityUnit Type - Quantity of Electricity
igUnitRadiantIntensityUnit Type - Radiant Intensity
igUnitRotationalStiffnessUnit Type - Rotation Stiffness
igUnitScalarUnit Type - Scalar
igUnitSecondMomentOfAreaUnit Type - Second Moment of Area
igUnitSolidAngleUnit Type - Solid Angle
igUnitTemperatureUnit Type - Temperature
igUnitTemperatureGradientUnit Type - Temperature Gradient
igUnitThermalConductivityUnit Type - Thermal Conductivity
igUnitTimeUnit Type - Time
igUnitTorqueUnit Type - Torque
igUnitVolumeUnit Type - Volume
igUnitVolumeFlowRateUnit Type - Volume Flow Rate
See Also

MatTable Object  | MatTable Members