Solid Edge Part Type Library
AddBy3Points Method
Specifies the number of edges in the EdgeSet array.
Contains the edges from the three points will be selected. EdgeSet(1) defines the origin of the plane, EdgeSet(2) defines the x-axis of the plane, and EdgeSet(3) defines the orientation of the plane.
Array of members of the KeyPointType constant set. Specifies the type of keypoint to be selected from a given edge.
Specifies whether the plane will be Local (Local = 1) or Global (Local = 0).
Adds a reference plane by 3 points.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddBy3Points( _
   ByVal NumEdges As Long, _
   ByRef EdgeSet() As Object, _
   ByRef KeyPointTypeConstants() As KeyPointType, _
   Optional ByVal Local As Variant _
) As RefPlane
Specifies the number of edges in the EdgeSet array.
Contains the edges from the three points will be selected. EdgeSet(1) defines the origin of the plane, EdgeSet(2) defines the x-axis of the plane, and EdgeSet(3) defines the orientation of the plane.
igKeyPointCallbackKeypoint Type - Callback
igKeyPointCenterKeypoint Type - Center
igKeyPointEndKeypoint Type - End
igKeyPointHorizontalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Horizontal Silhouette
igKeyPointInteriorNodeKeypoint Type - Interior Node
igKeyPointInteriorPoleKeypoint Type - Interior Pole
igKeyPointMajorAxisKeypoint Type - Major Axis
igKeyPointMiddleKeypoint Type - Middle
igKeyPointMinorAxisKeypoint Type - Minor Axis
igKeyPointNonDefiningKeypoint Type - Non-defining
igKeyPointPointOnlyKeypoint Type - Point Only
igKeyPointStartKeypoint Type - Start
igKeyPointVerticalSilhouetteKeypoint Type - Vertical Silhouette
Array of members of the KeyPointType constant set. Specifies the type of keypoint to be selected from a given edge.
Specifies whether the plane will be Local (Local = 1) or Global (Local = 0).
See Also

RefPlanes Collection  | RefPlanes Members