Solid Edge Part Type Library
SimplifiedAssemblyModel Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddMeasureVariableReturns the measure variable object.
Public Method BindKeyToObjectBinds a specified reference key to a specified Occurrence, SubOccurrence, or TopologyReference object.
Public Method BreakAllInterpartLinks
Public Method FreezeAllInterpartLinks
Public Method GetBaseStyleReturns the base style.
Public Method GetInContextAssemblyNameForInterpartLinks
Public Method GetRayIntersectionsReturns intersection points, normal at points, intersection types and intersection information for a set of bodies and set of rays
Public Method GoalSeek
Public Method HasInterpartLinks
Public Method ImportStylesImports the styles from the document given by Filename into the referenced document. If Overwrite is true, any duplicate styles will be overwritten.
Public Method MeasureAngleMeasures the sharp angle between lines or planes or keypoints.
Public Method MinimumDistanceMeasures the minimum distance between two elements.
Public Method NormalDistanceMeasures the normal distance between lines or planes.
Public Method PMI_ByModelStateGet PMI dimensions and annotations by model state. Returns failure for invalid states.
Public Method QueryByEntity
Public Method QueryByPropertyReturns a SEGenericCollection object that consists of AttachedProperty objects that match all of the query inputs.
Public Method RedoReapplies actions reversed via Undo.
Public Method SetBaseStyleReturns the base style.
Public Method ShowParentsAndChildren
Public Method ThawAllInterpartLinks
Public Method ToggleRefPlanesDisplayControls the display of the reference planes.
Public Method UndoReversed a specified number of actions.
Public Properties
Public Property BodyCheckSpecifies whether or not the referenced document object contains a valid parasolid body.
Public Property ConstructionsReturns the Constructions collection object.
Public Property CoordinateSystemsRepresents a collection of CoordinateSystem objects.
Public Property DesignBodyVisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property DesignEdgebarFeatures
Public Property DimensionStyles
Public Property FaceStylesReturns the FaceStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property FillStylesReturns the FillStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property GeometricVersionReturns a value that is incremented each time the geometry of an associated document is changed.
Public Property HatchPatternStylesReturns the HatchPatternStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property HoleDataCollectionReturns the HoleDataCollection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property InterpartLinks
Public Property LinearStylesReturns the LinearStyles collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property ModelsReturns the Models collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property ProfileSetsReturns the ProfileSets collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property RefAxesReturns the RefAxes collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property RefPlanesReturns the RefPlanes collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property ShowCurvatureCombsToggles the display of curvature combs for the referenced object.
Public Property SketchesReturns the Sketches collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property VariablesReturns the Variables collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property ViewStylesReturns the ViewStyles collection object for the referenced document.
See Also

SimplifiedAssemblyModel Object