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AOM Property
[Application Object Module]

Detailed Description

Property METHOD utility Prototypes These are meant to be used from Property METHODS, only!!

These are to assign the value into the property after validation and/or alteration has occured

Data Structures



Typedef Documentation

typedef struct LOC_values_s PROP_values_t

Function Documentation

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_descriptor ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t descriptor 

Asks descriptor for a property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
descriptor  (O) The descriptor for the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_lov ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t lov_tag 

Returns the property's LOV tag if there is a LOV attached to the property. A NULL value is returned otherwise. It will look all the way up the Type hierarchy for any LOV association.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
lov_tag  (O) Tag of the LOV

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_max_num_elements ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  maxnumelem 

Asks maximum number of elements for a property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
maxnumelem  (O) The maximum number of elements for the property. Will be 1 for a single-valued property, -1 for a list property and a positive integer for an array property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_max_string_length ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  maxstrlen 

Asks maximum string length for a property. The property must be type PROP_string.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
maxstrlen  (O) The maximum string length of the property value.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_num_elements ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num_elem 

Asks number of elements a property holds (i.e., how large is the list or array).

A single-valued property will always return 1. An array will return the size of the array. A list will return the current number of elements in the list, ranging from 0 to infinity.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num_elem  (O) Number of elements the property holds.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_prop_names ( tag_t  object_tag,
int *  prop_count,
char ***  prop_names 

Asks display name of a property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_count  (O) The number of properties associated with the object instance.
prop_names  (OF) prop_count The array of property names. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_property_master_locale ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char **  master_locale 

Return the master locale of a localizable property. If the property is not localizable, return error PROP_not_marked_localizable

object_tag  (I) The object
prop_name  (I) The property
master_locale  (OF) Master locale of the property

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_property_type ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
PROP_type_t proptype,
char **  proptype_n 

Returns the property type of a property. Go to the property descriptor (PROPDESC) module for a description of the possible property types.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
proptype  (O) The property type of the property.
proptype_n  (OF) The name of the property type.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_relations ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
tag_t **  relation_tags 

Asks for the ImanRelations used by a Relation property. This is to enable the programmer to use the GRM ITK calls on those relations.

This can only be used for properties of property type PROP_relation.

The reason there are multiple relation_tags for a single relation property is because a relation property represents a particular relation type on a particular type. An object of a particular type may be related to several objects through a particular relation type, each using a separate ImanRelation.

For example, an ItemRevision might have two datasets related to it through a relationship or type specification. Each dataset is related to the ItemRevision using a separate ImanRelation instance.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of relation_tags returned.
relation_tags  (OF) num The tags for the ImanRelations used by the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_sorted_prop_names ( tag_t  object_tag,
int *  prop_count,
char ***  prop_names 

ITK returns the displayable prop names sorted by prop’s display name

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_count  (O) The number of properties associated with the object instance.
prop_names  (OF) prop_count The array of property names. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_char ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char *  value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_char_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_char_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char *  value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_char_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_char_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_chars ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
char **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_chars_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_char_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_date ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
date_t value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_date_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_date_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
date_t value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_date_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_date_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_dates ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
date_t **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_dates_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_date_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_double ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
double *  value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_double_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_double_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
double *  value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_double_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_double_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_doubles ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
double **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_doubles_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_double_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_int ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_int_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_int_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
int *  value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_int_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_int_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_ints ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
int **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_ints_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_int_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_logical ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_logical_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_logical_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
logical value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_logical_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_logical_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_logicals ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
logical **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_logicals_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_logical_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char **  value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_string_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (OF) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char **  value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_string_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_string_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (OF) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
char ***  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_strings_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_string_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF)num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_tag ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t value 

Asks value of a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_tag_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_tag_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
tag_t value 

Asks value of a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function uses PROP_ask_value_tag_at_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_ask_value_tag_msg if the property is single-valued and position = 0. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified index position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_tags ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
tag_t **  values 

Asks one or more values of a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function uses PROP_ask_value_tags_msg if multi-valued and PROP_ask_value_tag_msg if single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values asked.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_ask_value_type ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
PROP_value_type_t valtype,
char **  valtype_n 

Returns the value type of a property. Go to the property descriptor (PROPDESC) module for a description of the possible value types.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
valtype  (O) The value type of the property.
valtype_n  (OF) The name of the value type.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_char ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_char_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_chars ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const char *  values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_date ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
date_t  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_date_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
date_t  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_dates ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const date_t values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_double ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
double  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_double_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
double  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_doubles ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const double *  values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_int ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_int_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
int  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_ints ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const int *  values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_logical ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_logical_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
logical  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_logicals ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const logical values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
const char *  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
char **  values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_tag ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t  value 

Assigns value to a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_tag_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
tag_t  value 

Assigns value to a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value assigned to the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_assign_tags ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const tag_t values 

Assigns one or more values to a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within an AOM_set_value method in order to store a value in a property after all customized validation and derivation has been completed.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values assigned.
values  (I) Actual values assigned to the property. This must be a list or array of characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_char ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_char_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_chars ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
char **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_date ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
date_t value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_date_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
date_t value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_dates ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
date_t **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_double ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
double *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_double_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
double *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_doubles ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
double **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_int ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_int_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
int *  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_ints ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
int **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_logical ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_logical_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
logical value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_logicals ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
logical **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char **  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (OF) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char **  value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (OF) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
char ***  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_tag ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t value 

Returns (gets) a value from a single-valued property. The property cannot be an array or list.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (O) Actual value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_tag_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
tag_t value 

Returns (gets) a value from a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a particular index position. The property can be single-valued if position = 0.

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (O) Actual value of the property at the specified position.

TCCORE_API int AOM_get_value_tags ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num,
tag_t **  values 

Returns (gets) one or more values from a property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

This function is intended to be called from within the getter BaseAction function of a property.

For runtime properties, this function reads the output values from Runtime Property Cache and if cache is not yet populated then it returns appropriate NULL value. For Non-runtime properties, it reads the output values from database. AOM_get_value_<type> ITK APIs are not recommended for runtime properties because these APIs do not call extensions that are registered on properties. Instead, AOM_ask_value_<type> ITK API should be used for runtime properties.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num Actual values of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_is_modifiable ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical mod_flag 

Asks property if it is modifiable by the user who is accessing it.

This function uses the message PROP_is_modifiable_msg. To customize the behavior, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
mod_flag  (O) Indicates whether the property is modifiable (i.e., TRUE = modifiable, FALSE = not modifiable)

TCCORE_API int AOM_is_null_empty ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical  check_zero_length,
logical is_null_empty 

Returns true if the property value is null or empty.

If check_zero_length is true, also return true if the length of the string value is 0.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
check_zero_length  (I) Indicates if also to check out 0-length string
is_null_empty  (O) Indicates whether the property value is null or empty

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_char ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_char_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_char_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
char  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_char_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_char_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_chars ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const char *  values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_chars_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_char_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_date ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
date_t  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_date_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_date_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
date_t  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_date_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_date_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_dates ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const date_t values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_dates_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_date_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_double ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
double  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_double_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_double_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
double  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_double_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_double_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_doubles ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const double *  values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_doubles_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_double_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_int ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_int_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_int_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
int  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_int_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_int_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_ints ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const int *  values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_ints_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_int_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_logical ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_logical_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_logical_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
logical  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_logical_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_logical_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_logicals ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const logical values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_logicals_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_logical_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_string_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
const char *  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_string_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_string_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
char **  values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_strings_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_string_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) num Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_tag ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
tag_t  value 

Sets value on a single-valued property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_tag_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against this message name.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_tag_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  position,
tag_t  value 

Sets value on a multi-valued (i.e., list or array) property at a specified index position.

This function uses PROP_set_value_tag_at_msg. If the property is single-valued and the index position = 0, PROP_set_value_tag_msg will be called instead. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list. The first position is 0. For example, if the property is an array of size 3 and the third value in the array is to be modified, then position = 2.
value  (I) Actual value being set on the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_set_value_tags ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  num,
const tag_t values 

Sets one or more values on a property.

This function uses PROP_set_value_tags_msg if the property is multi-valued or PROP_set_value_tag_msg if this property is single-valued. To customize the behavior of this function, register a method against one of these messages.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) Actual values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_string_to_tag ( const char *  the_string,
tag_t the_tag 

Converts the representation of the tag of an object from a string to a tag_t.

the_string  (I) The string representation of the tag of an object in Teamcenter Engineering.
the_tag  (O) A tag_t representation of the tag.

TCCORE_API int AOM_tag_to_string ( tag_t  the_tag,
char **  the_string 

Converts the specified tag of an object from a tag_t to a string representation. The string is MEM_alloc()ed.

Note: The output of AOM_tag_to_string contains alphanumeric characters as well as the dollar sign ($) and underscore (_). Therefore, if this string is to be parsed by a UNIX shell, you should enclose it in single quotes (') to ensure that it will be interprepted properly.

the_tag  (I) The tag of an object in Teamcenter Engineering.
the_string  (OF) A string representing the tag.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_localized_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
char **  value,
char *  localization_status,
logical master 

Asks value of a single-valued string property

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale of the property value
value  (OF) value of the property.
localization_status  (O) localization status of the property value.
master  (O) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_localized_value_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
int  position,
char **  value,
char *  localization_status,
logical master 

Asks the localized value of a string property at a particular array/list index position

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale of the property value
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list
value  (OF) value of the property at the specified index position.
localization_status  (O) localization status of the property value.
master  (O) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_localized_value_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
int *  num,
char ***  values,
char **  localization_statuses,
logical master 

Asks one or more values of a string property. The property can be single-valued or multi-valued (i.e., array or list).

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale of the property value
num  (O) Number of values returned.
values  (OF) num values of the property. This must be a list or array of constant chars. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.
localization_statuses  (OF) list of localization statuses each applicable to the corresponding property value in the values array.
master  (O) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale for each property value in the values array.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_multiple_localized_value_strings ( int  n_objects,
tag_t object_tags,
int  n_props,
const char **  prop_names,
int  n_locales,
const char **  locales,
PROP_values_t ****  prop_values 

Gets localized property values in different locales for a set of properties on an object. Takes multiple object tags as input.

n_objects  (I) Number of objects
object_tags  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
n_props  (I) Number of properties.
prop_names  (I) Property names of the object type.
n_locales  (I) Number of locales
locales  (I) List of locales for which property values are to be set
prop_values  (OF) list of structures each with a locale specific property value. Note that the output argument is a 3 diemensional array of size, n_objects * n_props * n_locales. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_multiple_localized_value_strings_test_stub ( int  n_objects,
tag_t object_tags,
int  n_props,
const char **  prop_names,
int  n_locales,
const char **  locales,
int  object_index,
int  property_index,
int  locale_index,
int *  numberOfValues,
char ***  values,
logical master,
char **  statuses 

Used for internal testing

n_objects  (I) Number of objects
object_tags  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance
n_props  (I) Number of properties
prop_names  (I) Property names of the object type
n_locales  (I) Number of locales
locales  (I) List of locales for which property values are to be get
object_index  (I) Indicate which object's translations will be returned to AOS test
property_index  (I) Indicate which propety's translations will be returned to AOS test
locale_index  (I) Indicate which locale's translations will be returned to AOS test
numberOfValues  (O) Number of values of specific objects + propety + locale
values  (OF)List of property values of specific objects + propety + locale. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.
master  (O) Master of specific objects + propety + locale
statuses  (OF) Statuses of specific objects + propety + locale

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_name ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char **  disp_name 

Asks display name of a property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
disp_name  (OF) The display name of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_translations ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const int  seq_num,
int *  num_translations,
char ***  translationLocales,
char ***  translationValues,
char ***  translationStatusNames,
char ***  translationStatusDescriptions 

Asks localized property values for all the supported languages on a given object.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) Property name of the object type.
seq_num  (I) Sequence number associated with Master Value, It correlates to the number of values for mulit-valued property
num_translations  (O) Number of translations for Master Value
translationLocales  (OF) num_translations Translation Locales - Need to pass the supported list of languages only. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.
translationValues  (OF) num_translations Translation Values Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.
translationStatusNames  (OF) num_translations Translation Status Names, i.e. the full name of the status. Valid statuses are - Master, Approved, Invalid, Pending, In-review, Ghost. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.
translationStatusDescriptions  (OF) num_translations Translation Status Descriptions, i.e. the description for each status. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_value ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
char **  d_value 

Asks the display value of a property. Regardless of what type of property is asked, this value will be returned as an MEM_alloc()ed string.

This function uses PROP_UIF_ask_value_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a property method, pre-action or post-action against this message name.

A default method is registered against PROP_UIF_ask_value_msg. The default behavior is as follows:

  1. AOM_UIF_ask_value gets a value from AOM_ask_value_<type>s.
  2. If the property is a single-value string or note, it does not change what AOM_ask_value_strings returns.
  3. If the property is a single-value number (int, float, etc.), the number is converted to a string and returned.
  4. If the property is a single-value tag (i.e., typed reference, typed relation, etc.) the object_string of the object being referenced by the tag is returned. For most objects, the object_string is its name. However, Item, ItemRevision and others have special object_strings. object_string is a run-time property that is displayed in the Object column of Workspace.
  5. If the property is a single-value date, the date is returned using the format identified by "DefaultDateFormat" in timelocal.uih.
  6. If the property is a single-value logical, the values for true/false identified by gk_properties_true_label and gk_properties_false_label in iman_text.uil are used.
  7. If the property is multi-valued, all of the values are returned in a single string with commas separating the values. The formatting described above is used for each of the property types.
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
d_value  (OF) The display value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_ask_values ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int *  num_values,
char ***  values 

Return localized property values as an array for multi-value string property The locale in which the property values needs to be returned is obtained from the list of preferences

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
num_values  (O) The locale of the property value
values  (OF) num_values localized string values of the given multi-value property. Iterate through the output array and call MEM_free on each element to de-allocate the nested memory block and then free the memory pointed by itself using MEM_free.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_clear_translations ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name 

Remove translations on a given property.

object_tag  (I) The object
prop_name  (I) The property

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_delete_localized_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
int  index,
const char *  locale 

Delete localized value on a single-valued/multi-valued string property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
index  (I) Index value of the entry that needs to be deleted for multi-value property; zero for single value property
locale  (I) The locale for which the property value is to be deleted from the VLA

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_is_displayable ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical is_display 

Asks display name of a property.

This function will be removed in V2009.0.0. Use CONSTANTS_get_property_constant_value instead with signature (PROPERTY_CONST_VISIBLE, ..., ..., ... ).
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
is_display  (O) Indicates whether property is displayable (i.e., TRUE=displayable, FALSE=not displayable).

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_is_enabled ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical is_enabled 

This function will be removed in V2009.0.0. Use CONSTANTS_get_property_constant_value instead with signature (PROPERTY_CONST_ENABLED, ..., ..., ... ).
object_tag  (I) The tag of the object
prop_name  (I) A property name of the given object identified by object_tag
is_enabled  (O)

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_is_required ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
logical is_required 

This function will be removed in V2009.0.0. Use CONSTANTS_get_property_constant_value instead with signature (PROPERTY_CONST_REQUIRED, ..., ..., ... ).
object_tag  (I) The tag of the object
prop_name  (I) A property name of the given object identified by object_tag
is_required  (O)

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_localized_value_string ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
const char *  value,
char  localization_status,
logical  master 

Sets localized value on a single-valued string property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale for which the property value is being set
value  (I) locale specific value being set on the property.
localization_status  (I) localization status of the property value, as defined in the textserver.h
master  (I) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_localized_value_string_at ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
int  position,
const char *  value,
char  localization_status,
logical  master 

Sets value on a multi-valued string property at a specified index position. This does not overwrite the VLA.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale of the property value
position  (I) The position of the specified property in an array or list
value  (I) locale specific value being set on the property.
localization_status  (I) localization status of the property value
master  (I) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_localized_value_strings ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  locale,
int  num,
const char **  values,
char *  localization_statuses,
logical  master 

Sets localized value on a single-valued or multi-valued string property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
locale  (I) The locale of the property values
num  (I) Number of values to be set.
values  (I) num of locale specific values being set on the property. This must be a list or array of constant characters. If the property is an array, the number of values passed in must equal the size of the array.
localization_statuses  (I) list of localization statuses each applicable to the corresponding property value in the array
master  (I) specifies if the locale specified as input is the master locale.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_multiple_localized_value_strings ( int  n_objects,
tag_t object_tags,
int  n_props,
const char **  prop_names,
int  n_locales,
const char **  locales,
PROP_values_t ***  prop_values 

Sets localized property values in different locales for a set of properties on an object. Takes multiple objects as input.

n_objects  (I) Number of objects.
object_tags  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance (same type).
n_props  (I) Number of properties.
prop_names  (I) Property names of the object type.
n_locales  (I) Number of locales
locales  (I) List of locales for which property values are set
prop_values  (I) list of structures each with a locale specific property value

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_multiple_localized_value_strings_test_stub ( int  n_objects,
tag_t object_tags,
int  n_props,
const char **  prop_names,
int  n_locales,
const char **  locales,
char **  status,
int  n_values,
char **  values,
int  index_of_master 

Used for internal testing

n_objects  (I) Number of objects.
object_tags  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance (same type).
n_props  (I) Number of properties.
prop_names  (I) Property names of the object type.
n_locales  (I) Number of locales
locales  (I) List of locales for which property values are set
status  (I) status for each locale
n_values  (I) Number of values
values  (I) Values
index_of_master  (I) Indicate which locale is the master locale

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_translations ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const int  seq_num,
int  num_translations,
char **  translationLocales,
char **  translationValues,
char **  translationStatusCodes 

Sets localized property values for all the supported language on a given object. This overwrites the VLA and this ITK should be called once for every VLA. Caller must know if a single or multiple value property.

object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) Property name of the object type.
seq_num  (I) Sequence number associated with Master Value, It correlates to the number of values for mulit-valued property
num_translations  (I) Number of translations for Master Value
translationLocales  (I) Translation Locales - Need to pass the supported list of languages only
translationValues  (I) Translation Values
translationStatusCodes  (I) Translation Statuses. Valid statuses codes are - "M", "A", "P", "R", "I"

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_set_value ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  value 

Sets one or more values of a property using a display value as input. This function will work for any property type, accepts string values as input, then calls the appropriate AOM_set_value_<type>s command.

This function uses PROP_UIF_set_value_msg. To customize the behavior of this function, register a property method, pre-action, or post-action against this message name.

A default method is registered against PROP_UIF_set_value_msg. The default behavior is as follows:

  1. If the property is multi-valued, it will parse the string at the commas then convert the values to the appropriate type.
  2. If the property is a string or note, no conversion of the value is done.
  3. If the property is one of the number types (int, double, etc.), the input value will be converted from string to the appropriate type.
  4. If the property is a tag, an attempt will be made to convert the string passed in into a valid tag.
  5. If the property is a date, the format described by DefaultDateFormat in timelocal.uih will be used to convert the date from a string to a date_t.
  6. If the property is a logical, the values for true/false identified by gk_properties_true_label and gk_properties_false_label in iman_text.uil will be used to convert the string to a logical.
  7. Upon successful conversion, as described above, AOM_set_value_<type>s will be called, passing in the converted value(s).
object_tag  (I) Unique identifier (tag) of the object instance.
prop_name  (I) A property name of the object instance.
value  (I) The display value used to set the new value of the property.

TCCORE_API int AOM_UIF_validate_display_value ( tag_t  object_tag,
const char *  prop_name,
const char *  val,
logical flag 

object_tag  (I) The tag of the object
prop_name  (I) A property name of the given object identified by object_tag
val  (I)
flag  (O)