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Appearances Errors

Appearances Attribute Errors

Appearances Update Errors

Appearances Update Manager Errors


Define Documentation

#define APPR_already_processed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 112)

Cannot execute update package that is already processed.

Definition at line 308 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_array_length_mismatch   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 5)

The revision-rules, in-dates and out-dates arrays should be the same length.

Definition at line 39 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_attribute_already_mapped   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 55)

Returned by the appearance mapping create Instance method if an attribute of new mapping is already mapped.

Definition at line 248 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_attribute_array_length_mismatch   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 52)

The attr-names and attr-values arrays should be the same length.

Definition at line 228 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_attribute_name_not_unique   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 51)

Appearance attribute names must be unique. An attempt has been made to create a new attribute with the same name as an existing attribute.

Definition at line 225 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_background_updater_has_never_run   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 180)

Definition at line 370 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_background_updater_has_not_run_recently   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 181)

Definition at line 371 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_background_updater_too_many_failures   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 182)

Definition at line 372 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_callback_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 32)

An Appearance callback function failed.

Definition at line 158 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_cannot_ask_is_matching_appearance   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 110)

Need to have parent appearance and appearance root set to invoke isMatchingAppearance.

Definition at line 299 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_cannot_select_primary_yet   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 114)

Cannot select a primary object whilst another is in process

Definition at line 314 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_cannot_set_prop_when_populated   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 25)

You may not set this property on an appearance root that is associated with any appearances.

Definition at line 128 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_cant_mix_date_and_unit_eff   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 21)

Appearance does not support context rev rules configuring by a mixture of date and unit effectivity. Unit effectivity + release date is the only mixed configuration mode supported.

Definition at line 106 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_cant_mix_date_eff_and_rel   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 22)

Appearance does not support context rev rules configuring by a mixture of date effectivity and release date. Unit effectivity + release date is the only mixed configuration mode supported.

Definition at line 113 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_corrupt_root   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 24)

The appearance root is associated with corrupt appearances.

Definition at line 122 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_date_must_be_after_final_in_date   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 9)

When adding a date, it must be chronologically later than the final in-date.

Definition at line 51 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_date_must_be_after_final_out_date   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 10)

When adding a date, it must be chronologically later than the final out-date.

Definition at line 54 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_duplicate_pools   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 2)

There should be precisely one instance of the class AppearanceRootPool.

Definition at line 30 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_empty_secondary_queue   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 104)

Secondary queue should always have at least one element.

Definition at line 270 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_empty_where_clause   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 20)

It makes no sense to extend a WHERE clause by adding something of the form "AND value IN empty-list".

Definition at line 99 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_error_disabled   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 18)

Appearances disabled (by ACS, or by preference).

Definition at line 87 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_final_out_date_must_be_null   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 6)

You may not set the final out-date if it is not currently a null-date.

Definition at line 42 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_final_out_date_must_not_be_null   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 7)

You may not add an in-date if the current final out-date is a null-date.

Definition at line 45 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_in_date_must_be_before_out_date   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 12)

When setting the in-date, it must be chronologically earlier than the out-date.

Definition at line 69 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_in_unit_no_must_be_le_out_unit_no   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 14)

When setting the in-unit-no, it must be <= than the out-unit-no.

Definition at line 75 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_inconsistent_roots   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 103)

When two appearances that are supposed to be the same aren't.

Definition at line 267 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_internal_error   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 27)

Some internal error occurred.

Definition at line 137 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_appr_validation_entity_tag   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 106)

Tag supplied is not that of an existing or valid appearance validation entity object.

Definition at line 278 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_appr_validator_tag   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 107)

Tag supplied is not that of an existing or valid appearances validator object.

Definition at line 283 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_attribute_index   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 54)

Returned by the appearance attribute query method if an attribute index is not valid.

Definition at line 243 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_attribute_name   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 53)

Returned by the appearance attribute query method if an invalid attribute name is input.

Definition at line 238 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_attribute_name   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 53)

Returned by the appearance attribute query method if an invalid attribute name is input.

Definition at line 238 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_occurrence_change_tag   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 113)

Tag supplied is not that of an existing or valid occurrence change object.

Definition at line 311 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_precise_entry_usage   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 37)

A valid Appearance context must, if using the Precise entry, place that entry ahead of all others and ungrouped.

Definition at line 190 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_invalid_update_package_tag   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 105)

Tag supplied is not that of an existing or valid update package object.

Definition at line 273 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_missing_end_item   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 3)

You must specify an End Item.

Definition at line 33 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_missing_pool   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 1)

There should be an instance of the class AppearanceRootPool.

Definition at line 27 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_needs_v7_eff_mode   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 30)

In order to use a revision rule which contains effectivity entries, you need to be in V7 effectivity mode.

Definition at line 149 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_new_aps_not_consistent_with_validator   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 108)

New appearances are not consistent with those expected by the validator.

Definition at line 288 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_defined_pre_release_statuses   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 36)

Specified rule is not supported for use with Pre-Release Appearances, since for such use it must contain only "Has Status (some pre-release status) By Release Date" entries, but the System Administrator has not defined any such statuses.

Definition at line 184 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_entity_exists_with_parent_ap   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 111)

Validator needs at least one appearance validation entity for which the parent appearance is known.

Definition at line 305 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_mapping_logic_defined   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 50)

Returned by the appearance attribute update user exit when no logic has been written yet.

Definition at line 219 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_more_search_licenses   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 33)

No licenses available for searching or all licenses have been used up

Definition at line 161 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_primary_in_process   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 118)

Definition at line 325 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_no_primary_selected   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 116)

No primary has been selected yet

Definition at line 320 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_non_status_rule_entry   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 23)

A valid Appearance context must contain only "Has Status" and "End Item" entries, optionally grouped together.

Definition at line 119 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_not_supported   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 4)

Not supported yet.

Definition at line 36 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_noteworthy_errors_occurred   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 120)

Processing the package generated some noteworthy errors.

Definition at line 331 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_notified_sa   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 121)

The SA has been notified (by email) about the errors.

Definition at line 334 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_null_context_info_not_allowed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 16)

When creating a context, all inputs must be non-null.

Definition at line 81 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_out_date_must_be_after_in_date   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 13)

When setting the out-date, it must be chronologically later than the in-date.

Definition at line 72 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_out_unit_no_must_be_ge_in_unit_no   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 15)

When setting the out-unit-no, it must be >= than the in-unit-no.

Definition at line 78 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_precise_no_component_item_rev   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 38)

A Precise Appearance must reference the correct component item revision.

Definition at line 195 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_primary_already_locked   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 115)

Another process already has the primary locked

Definition at line 317 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_primary_not_finished   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 117)

Cannot complete the primary as it has secondaries waiting to be processed.

Definition at line 323 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_query_array_length_mismatch   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 17)

The query-entries and query-values arrays should be the same length.

Definition at line 84 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_rev_rule_edits_not_allowed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 19)

A rev rule referenced by an appearance set cannot have entries other than date and unit added to or removed from it.

Definition at line 93 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_rev_rule_is_locked   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 40)

An AppearanceRoot cannot be created for a revision rule that is currently locked.

Definition at line 207 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_rev_rule_is_nested   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 39)

Appearances cannot be generated for revision rules that use nested effectivity.

Definition at line 201 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_revision_rule_absent   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 8)

The supplied revision rule is absent from the appearance's list of revision-rules.

Definition at line 48 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unable_to_bootstrap_when_populated   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 26)

Internal error: a bootstrap package cannot be processed for an appearance root that is associated with any appearances.

Definition at line 134 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unit_eff_needs_end_item_entry   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 31)

A valid Appearance context must contain only "Has Status" and "End Item" entries, optionally grouped together.

Definition at line 155 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unknown_task   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 119)

The updater doesn't recognise the supplied task.

Definition at line 328 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unsuitable_pre_release_rev_rule   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 34)

Specified rule is not supported for use with Pre-Release Appearances, since for such use it must contain only "Has Status (some pre-release status) By Release Date" entries, but it has some other type of entry.

Definition at line 168 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unsuitable_pre_release_rev_rule_entry   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 35)

Specified rule is not supported for use with Pre-Release Appearances, since for such use it must contain only "Has Status (some pre-release status) By Release Date" entries, but it contains an entry with some other (non-pre-release) status.

Definition at line 176 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_unsuitable_rev_rule   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 11)

Specified rule is not supported for use as an Appearance context. Following errors explains why:


Definition at line 66 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_buffer_overflow   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 154)

Definition at line 351 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_connection_broken   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 156)

Definition at line 357 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_connection_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 160)

Definition at line 361 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_connection_rejected   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 162)

Definition at line 363 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_external_app_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 163)

Definition at line 364 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_idle_but_processing   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 201)

Definition at line 380 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_idle_but_queue_not_empty   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 200)

Definition at line 379 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_invalid_host   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 159)

Definition at line 360 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_marshalling_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 151)

Definition at line 348 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_message_truncated   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 153)

Definition at line 350 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_no_admin_email   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 167)

Definition at line 368 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_no_config_file   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 165)

Definition at line 366 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_not_idle_but_nothing_to_do   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 202)

Definition at line 381 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_query_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 155)

Definition at line 356 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_socket_error   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 150)

Definition at line 347 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_syntax_error_in_config   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 166)

Definition at line 367 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_timed_out   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 161)

Definition at line 362 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_timedout_waiting_for_finish   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 203)

Definition at line 382 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_unauthorized_user   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 164)

Definition at line 365 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_unexpected_reply   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 157)

Definition at line 358 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_winsock_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 158)

Definition at line 359 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_update_mgr_wrong_message   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 152)

Definition at line 349 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_updater_rel_stat_cannot_be_nulltag   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 101)

Appearances updater needs a release status

Definition at line 258 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_updater_rel_stat_not_on_item_rev   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 102)

Any item revision added to an appearances updater must have a release status the same as that of the updater.

Definition at line 264 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_validation_entity_without_parent   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 109)

Validation entity needs either a parent appearance or a parent bom line.

Definition at line 293 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_validation_failed   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 300)

Definition at line 384 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_validity_outside_parent   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 28)

The appearance's validity range is outside that of its parent.

Definition at line 140 of file appr_errors.h.

#define APPR_validity_overlap   (EMH_APPR_error_base + 29)

The appearance's validity overlaps that of a matching appearance.

Definition at line 143 of file appr_errors.h.