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EPM Task Template
[Enterprise Process Modeling]




Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation

EPMTaskTemplate Classifications


Definition at line 28 of file epm_task_template_itk.h.

EPMTaskTemplate Process Stage


Definition at line 36 of file epm_task_template_itk.h.

Function Documentation

EPM_API int EPM_add_action_handler ( tag_t  task_template,
const EPM_action_t  action,
tag_t  action_handler 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
action_handler  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_add_predecessor_task_templates ( tag_t  task_template,
int  no_of_predecessors,
const tag_t predecessor_task_templates,
int  action 

Adds dependencies for the input task template

task_template  (I)
no_of_predecessors  (I)
predecessor_task_templates  (I) no_of_predecessors
action  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_add_rule ( tag_t  task_template,
const EPM_action_t  action,
tag_t  rule 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
rule  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_add_rule_handler ( tag_t  rule,
tag_t  rule_handler 

rule  (I)
rule_handler  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_add_subtask_template ( tag_t  parent_task_template,
tag_t  task_template 

parent_task_template  (I)
task_template  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_apply_template_to_active_process ( tag_t  process_template,
tag_t  process 

process_template  (I)
process  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_apply_template_to_active_processes ( tag_t  process_template,
int  processing_mode 

process_template  (I)
processing_mode  (I) 0 - Indicates synchronous processing. 1 - Indicates asynchronous processing.

EPM_API int EPM_ask_action_handlers ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_action_t  action,
int *  no_of_action_handlers,
tag_t **  action_handler_definitions 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
no_of_action_handlers  (O)
action_handler_definitions  (OF) no_of_action_handlers

EPM_API int EPM_ask_all_process_templates ( int  template_stage,
int *  process_template_count,
tag_t **  process_templates 

This ITK will return the number and the tags of all workflow process_templates, with the requested stage. Stage can have the following values:

0 = all templates regardless of stage
1 = under construction
2 = ready for use
3 = obsolete

A stage value = 2 is what is typically used to create process instances.

template_stage  (I)
process_template_count  (O)
process_templates  (OF) process_template_count

EPM_API int EPM_ask_all_subtask_templates ( tag_t  task_template,
int *  no_of_allsubtask_templates,
tag_t **  allsubtask_templates 

Provides a list of tags to all the sub task templates for any task template.

task_template  (I) task to find its subtasks
no_of_allsubtask_templates  (O) Total number of subtasks.
allsubtask_templates  (OF) no_of_allsubtask_templates number of subtasks.

EPM_API int EPM_ask_assigned_templates ( logical  switchOffUCTemplates,
const tag_t  object_type,
const tag_t  group,
int *  count,
tag_t **  process_templates 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_workflow_templates_base or EPM_ask_workflow_templates
switchOffUCTemplates  (I)
object_type  (I)
group  (I)
count  (O)
process_templates  (OF) count

EPM_API int EPM_ask_handler_arguments ( tag_t  handler,
int *  argument_count,
char ***  arguments 

Provides an array of strings, where each string represents a single argument.

handler  (I)
argument_count  (O)
arguments  (OF) argument_count

EPM_API int EPM_ask_predecessor_task_templates ( tag_t  task_template,
int  action,
int *  no_of_predecessors,
tag_t **  predecessor_task_templates 

Based on the action type and the input task template, this ITK returns a list of task template tags that the input task template is dependent on.

If action = 'Start', then these are the tasks that must complete before the input task can start.
If action = 'Complete', then these are the tasks that should complete before the current task can complete.

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
no_of_predecessors  (O)
predecessor_task_templates  (OF) no_of_predecessors

EPM_API int EPM_ask_process_template ( tag_t  process,
tag_t process_template 

This ITK will pass in the process tag as argument, and find the process template tag that was used to create this process.

process  (I)
process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_ask_rule_handlers ( tag_t  rule,
int *  count,
tag_t **  rule_handlers 

rule  (I)
count  (O)
rule_handlers  (OF) count

EPM_API int EPM_ask_rules ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_action_t  action,
int *  no_of_rules,
tag_t **  rules 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
no_of_rules  (O)
rules  (OF) no_of_rules

EPM_API int EPM_ask_signoff_profiles ( tag_t  task_template,
int *  quorum,
int *  num_signoff_profiles,
tag_t **  roles,
tag_t **  groups,
logical **  allow_sub_groups,
int **  num_reviewers 

Provides lists of the Signoff profiles

task_template  (I)
quorum  (O)
num_signoff_profiles  (O)
roles  (OF) num_signoff_profiles
groups  (OF) num_signoff_profiles
allow_sub_groups  (OF) num_signoff_profiles
num_reviewers  (OF) num_signoff_profiles

EPM_API int EPM_ask_subtask_templates ( tag_t  parent_task_template,
int *  no_of_subtask_templates,
tag_t **  subtask_templates 

Provides a list of tags to the subtask templates for any task template.

parent_task_template  (I)
no_of_subtask_templates  (O)
subtask_templates  (OF) no_of_subtask_templates

EPM_API int EPM_ask_workflow_templates ( logical  include_under_construction,
logical  assigned_templates,
int  number_of_objects,
tag_t target_objects,
char **  object_types,
const char *  group,
int *  count,
tag_t **  process_templates 

This API returns a list of process templates based on given criteria. based on current User Group and TargetObjects/ Object Types. If there are multiple target objects/ object types, only the common assigned templates will be returned. If no targets/object types specified, it will return all the templates assigned to the current user Group. Underconstruction Templates are part of result only for users who are part of DBA Group when include_under_construction = true.

Arguments: include_under_construction (I) --- true = Under Construction + Available, false = Available Only assigned_templates (I) --- true = Assigned Templates, false = All Templates number_of_objects (I) --- The number of Target objects/ Object Types. target_objects (I) --- The Target Objects, for which types the assigned templates are returned, should be null if using object_types argument. object_types (I) --- The Object Types, for which types the assigned templates are returned, should be null if using target_objects argument. group (I) --- Group for which assigned templates are returned, should be null if you want to get results for session’s logged in group count (O) --- The number of templates returned. process_templates (OF) --- The list of the templates.

This API results based on, Custom Template Filter implemented through User Exits if User Exit implemented - Calls only the user exit and skips the default functionality if User Exit not implemented - Calls the default functionality. Use EPM_ask_process_templates_base to get direct results from default behaviour only.

include_under_construction  (I) Show Under Construction Templates
assigned_templates  (I) Show Assigned Templates
number_of_objects  (I) Number of object types or target objects
target_objects  (I) target objects
object_types  (I) object types
group  (I) group
count  (O) output count
process_templates  (OF) count output Templates

EPM_API int EPM_ask_workflow_templates_base ( logical  include_under_construction,
logical  assigned_templates,
int  number_of_objects,
tag_t target_objects,
char **  object_types,
const char *  group,
int *  count,
tag_t **  process_templates 

include_under_construction  (I) Show Under Construction Templates
assigned_templates  (I) Show Assigned Templates
number_of_objects  (I) Number of object types or target objects
target_objects  (I) target objects
object_types  (I) object types
group  (I) group
count  (O) output count
process_templates  (OF) count output Templates

EPM_API int EPM_copy_handler ( tag_t  handler,
tag_t handler_copy 

Copies the given handler. The copy will not be associated with a rule object if its a rule handler or will not be associated with a task template's action if its an action handler.

handler  (I)
handler_copy  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_copy_task_template ( tag_t  task_template,
tag_t task_template_copy 

task_template  (I)
task_template_copy  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_action_handler ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_action_t  action,
const char  action_handler_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
int  action_handler_argument_count,
const char **  action_handler_arguments,
tag_t action_handler 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_action_handler2
Creates an action handler associated with the given task template's action.
task_template  (I)
action  (I)
action_handler_name  (I)
action_handler_argument_count  (I)
action_handler_arguments  (I)
action_handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_action_handler2 ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_action_t  action,
const char *  action_handler_name,
int  action_handler_argument_count,
const char **  action_handler_arguments,
tag_t action_handler 

Creates an action handler associated with the given task template's action.

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
action_handler_name  (I)
action_handler_argument_count  (I)
action_handler_arguments  (I)
action_handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_process_template ( const char  pt_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
const char  pt_description[WSO_desc_size_c+1],
tag_t new_process_template 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_process_template2
pt_name  (I)
pt_description  (I)
new_process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_process_template2 ( const char *  pt_name,
const char *  pt_description,
tag_t new_process_template 

pt_name  (I)
pt_description  (I)
new_process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_process_template_from_template ( const char  pt_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
const char  pt_description[WSO_desc_size_c+1],
tag_t  base_pt_tag,
tag_t new_process_template 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_process_template_from_template2
pt_name  (I)
pt_description  (I)
base_pt_tag  (I)
new_process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_process_template_from_template2 ( const char *  pt_name,
const char *  pt_description,
tag_t  base_pt_tag,
tag_t new_process_template 

pt_name  (I)
pt_description  (I)
base_pt_tag  (I)
new_process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_rule ( tag_t  task_template,
const EPM_action_t  action,
const char  rule_handler_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
int  rule_handler_argument_count,
const char **  rule_handler_arguments,
tag_t rule_handler,
tag_t rule 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_rule2
task_template  (I)
action  (I)
rule_handler_name  (I)
rule_handler_argument_count  (I)
rule_handler_arguments  (I)
rule_handler  (O)
rule  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_rule2 ( tag_t  task_template,
const EPM_action_t  action,
const char *  rule_handler_name,
int  rule_handler_argument_count,
const char **  rule_handler_arguments,
tag_t rule_handler,
tag_t rule 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
rule_handler_name  (I)
rule_handler_argument_count  (I)
rule_handler_arguments  (I)
rule_handler  (O)
rule  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_rule_handler ( tag_t  rule,
int  rule_quorum,
const char  rule_handler_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
int  rule_handler_argument_count,
const char **  rule_handler_arguments,
logical  negated_flag,
logical  override_flag,
tag_t rule_handler 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_rule_handler2
rule  (I)
rule_quorum  (I)
rule_handler_name  (I)
rule_handler_argument_count  (I)
rule_handler_arguments  (I)
negated_flag  (I)
override_flag  (I)
rule_handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_rule_handler2 ( tag_t  rule,
int  rule_quorum,
const char *  rule_handler_name,
int  rule_handler_argument_count,
const char **  rule_handler_arguments,
logical  negated_flag,
logical  override_flag,
tag_t rule_handler 

rule  (I)
rule_quorum  (I)
rule_handler_name  (I)
rule_handler_argument_count  (I)
rule_handler_arguments  (I)
negated_flag  (I)
override_flag  (I)
rule_handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_signoff_profiles ( tag_t  task_template,
int  quorum,
int  num_signoff_profiles,
const tag_t roles,
const tag_t groups,
const logical allow_sub_groups,
const int *  num_reviewers,
tag_t **  signoff_profiles 

Creates a list of the Signoff profiles associated to a task template

task_template  (I)
quorum  (I)
num_signoff_profiles  (I)
roles  (I) no_of_review_entries
groups  (I) no_of_review_entries
allow_sub_groups  (I) no_of_review_entries
num_reviewers  (I) no_of_review_entries
signoff_profiles  (OF)

EPM_API int EPM_create_task_template ( const char  tt_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
const char  tt_description[WSO_desc_size_c+1],
tag_t  parent_task_template,
const EPM_template_classification_t  classification,
const tag_t  obj_type,
tag_t new_task_template 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_create_task_template2
tt_name  (I)
tt_description  (I)
parent_task_template  (I)
classification  (I)
obj_type  (I)
new_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_task_template2 ( const char *  tt_name,
const char *  tt_description,
tag_t  parent_task_template,
const EPM_template_classification_t  classification,
const tag_t  obj_type,
tag_t new_task_template 

tt_name  (I)
tt_description  (I)
parent_task_template  (I)
classification  (I)
obj_type  (I)
new_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_create_task_template_from_template ( const char *  tt_name,
const char *  tt_description,
tag_t  parent_task_template,
tag_t  base_task_template,
tag_t new_task_template 

tt_name  (I) New task template name. A NULL value is allowed
tt_description  (I) New task template description. A NULL value is allowed Template's description will be used if it is NULL
parent_task_template  (I) The parent task template
base_task_template  (I) Base task template
new_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_cut_handler ( tag_t  handler_definition  ) 

Cuts the given handler from the action

handler_definition  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_delete_handler ( tag_t  handler_definition  ) 

Removes and destroys the given handler

handler_definition  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_delete_task_template ( tag_t  task_template  ) 

task_template  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_extent_handler_names_registered ( const EPM_handler_type_t  handler_type,
int *  no_of_handlers,
char ***  handler_names 

handler_type  (I) Action / Rule
no_of_handlers  (O)
handler_names  (OF) no_of_handlers

EPM_API int EPM_extent_locked_templates ( int *  componentCount,
tag_t **  componentTags 

componentCount  (O)
componentTags  (OF) componentCount

EPM_API int EPM_extent_modifiable_templates ( int *  componentCount,
tag_t **  componentTags 

componentCount  (O)
componentTags  (OF) componentCount

EPM_API int EPM_extent_ready_template_and_stage ( logical  switchOffUCTemplate,
int *  num,
int **  task_template_stages,
tag_t **  task_templates 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_workflow_templates_base or EPM_ask_workflow_templates
switchOffUCTemplate  (I)
num  (O) Number of templates
task_template_stages  (OF) num Template stages
task_templates  (OF) num Template tags

EPM_API int EPM_extent_template ( int  stage,
int  classification,
int *  num,
tag_t **  process_task_templates 

num  (O) Number of templates
process_task_templates  (OF) num Template tags

EPM_API int EPM_extent_template_and_stage ( int  classification,
int *  num,
int **  task_template_stages,
tag_t **  task_templates 

num  (O) Number of templates
task_template_stages  (OF) num Template stages
task_templates  (OF) num Template tags

EPM_API int EPM_find_handler ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_handler_type_t  handler_type,
EPM_action_t  action,
const char  handler_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
tag_t handler 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_find_handler2
task_template  (I)
handler_type  (I) Action / Rule
action  (I)
handler_name  (I)
handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_handler2 ( tag_t  task_template,
EPM_handler_type_t  handler_type,
EPM_action_t  action,
const char *  handler_name,
tag_t handler 

task_template  (I)
handler_type  (I) Action / Rule
action  (I)
handler_name  (I)
handler  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_process_template ( const char *  process_template_name,
tag_t process_template 

This ITK will pass in a given process templates name, and return a tag to the matching process template object of that name.

process_template_name  (I)
process_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_process_template_by_name_or_origin_uid ( const char *  search_string,
EPM_template_stage_t  stage,
tag_t template_tag 

This ITK will pass in a given process templates name or origin_uid, and return a tag to the matching process template object of that name or origin_uid. If no match is found NULLTAG is returned.

search_string  (I) The task template's name or origin_uid
stage  (I) The task template's stage
template_tag  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_process_template_origin_uid ( const char *  origin_uid,
int  stage,
tag_t process_task_template 

origin_uid  (I)
process_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_template ( const char  pt_name[WSO_name_size_c+1],
int  template_type,
tag_t process_task_template 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use EPM_find_template2
pt_name  (I)
template_type  (I)
process_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_find_template2 ( const char *  pt_name,
int  template_type,
tag_t process_task_template 

pt_name  (I)
template_type  (I)
process_task_template  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_modify_task_template ( tag_t  task_template,
logical  visibility,
tag_t task_template_copy 

task_template  (I)
visibility  (I)
task_template_copy  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_modify_task_template2 ( tag_t  task_template,
int  modifyFlagsCount,
const logical modifyFlags,
tag_t task_template_copy 

task_template  (I)
modifyFlagsCount  (I)
modifyFlags  (I)
task_template_copy  (O)

EPM_API int EPM_remove_action_handler ( tag_t  task_template,
int  action,
tag_t  action_handler,
logical  delete_handler 

task_template  (I)
action  (I)
action_handler  (I)
delete_handler  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_remove_predecessor_task_templates ( tag_t  task_template,
int  no_of_predecessors,
const tag_t predecessor_task_templates,
int  action 

Removes the dependencies for the input task template

task_template  (I)
no_of_predecessors  (I)
predecessor_task_templates  (I) no_of_predecessors
action  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_remove_rule ( tag_t  task_template,
tag_t  rule_definition 

task_template  (I)
rule_definition  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_remove_rule_handler ( tag_t  task_template,
tag_t  rule_definition,
tag_t  rule_handler,
logical  delete_handler 

task_template  (I)
rule_definition  (I)
rule_handler  (I)
delete_handler  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_remove_task_template ( tag_t  task_template  ) 

task_template  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_set_handler_arguments ( tag_t  handler,
int  argument_count,
const char **  arguments 

Sets the argument list for the handler.

handler  (I)
argument_count  (I)
arguments  (I) argument_count

EPM_API int EPM_set_rule_quorum ( tag_t  rule,
int  quorum 

rule  (I)
quorum  (I)

EPM_API int EPM_task_template_ask_active_processes ( tag_t  process_template,
int *  process_count,
tag_t **  process_list 

process_template  (I)
process_count  (O)
process_list  (OF)

EPM_API int EPM_unlock_modified_templates ( int  no_of_process_templates,
tag_t process_templates 

Unlocks the modified and newly created process templates

no_of_process_templates  (I)
process_templates  (I)