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MRO Core

Detailed Description

The MRO Core (MROCore) module implements the basic set of classes and behaviour for As-Built module.


Data Structures


Function Documentation

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_ask_relation_install_date ( tag_t  relation,
char **  date_string 

ITK function to get Installtion Date from Physical Structure

relation  (I) Tag of Physical Structure Relation
date_string  (O) Installtion Date

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_ask_relation_part_used_is ( tag_t  relation,
char **  partUsedIs 

ITK function to get Part Used Is value from Physical Structure

relation  (I) Tag of Physical Structure Relation
partUsedIs  (O) Part Used Is value

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_calculate_time_between ( tag_t  item,
tag_t  charDef,
date_t  fromDate,
date_t  toDate,
double *  value,
date_t dateValue 

ITK function to Calculat Time Since

item  (I) Item
charDef  (I) Characteristic Definition
fromDate  (I) Time From (NULL allowed)
toDate  (I) Time To (NULL allowed)
value  (O) Calculated Value
dateValue  (O) Calculated Date Value

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_calculate_time_between2 ( tag_t  item,
tag_t  charDef,
date_t  fromDate,
date_t  toDate,
MROCORE_timesince_values_s output 

ITK function to Calculat Time Since

item  (I) Item
charDef  (I) Characteristic Definition
fromDate  (I) Time From (NULL allowed)
toDate  (I) Time To (NULL allowed)
output  (O) Calculated Value Structure

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_convert_expression_to_prefix_form ( char *  expression,
char **  prefixForm,
int *  keywordCount,
char ***  keywords 

ITK function to convert a mathematical expression into AST form

expression  (I) input expression
prefixForm  (OF) output AST form expression
keywordCount  (O) keyword count
keywords  (OF) keywords

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_create_window ( tag_t window  ) 

ITK function to create MRO BOM Window

window  (O) Tag of MRO BOM Window

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_display_utilization ( tag_t  physPart,
date_t  tillDate,
int *  utilizationCount,
tag_t **  utilizationList 

ITK function for display utilization

physPart  (I) Physical Part Tag
tillDate  (I) Utilization till date
utilizationCount  (O) Number of utilization objects.
utilizationList  (OF) List of Utilization

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_duplicate_phys_structure ( tag_t  inLine,
DuplicatePhysStructParams inParam,
tag_t newPhysPartRev 

ITK function to duplicate given physical Structure

inLine  (I) Selected BOM line
inParam  (I) Parameters required for duplicate structure operation
newPhysPartRev  (O) Generated top Physical Part Revision

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_get_all_open_usage ( tag_t  parentPhysPart,
tag_t  physicalPartRevision,
logical  allUsages,
char ***  usageType,
char ***  openUsages,
int *  count,
tag_t **  childBOMLine 


ITK function to get all the open usages for physical part installation.

This function is deprecated, it will be removed from Teamcenter 8.0.1. In its place use ASBUILT_get_all_open_usages to get the open usages for installation under an asbuilt physical part. Use ASMAINTAINED_get_all_open_usage to get the open usages for installation under an asmaintained physical part.
parentPhysPart  (I) Parent Physical Part
physicalPartRevision  (I) Copied Physical Part Revision
allUsages  (I) Whether to fetch all the usages or preffered only
usageType  (I) Usage Type, Preferred , Other or Extra Design
openUsages  (O) List of Occurrence Name
count  (O) Count of Occurrence Name
childBOMLine  (O) Child AsBuiltBOMLine

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_get_first_physical_element_revision ( tag_t  physPart,
tag_t PhysPartRev 

ITK function to get the first Physical Element revision

physPart  (I) Tag of Physical Element or Physical Element Revision
PhysPartRev  (O) Tag of first Physical Element Revision

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_get_latest_physical_element_revision ( tag_t  physPart,
tag_t PhysPartRev 

ITK function to get the latest Physical Element revision

physPart  (I) Tag of Physical Element or Physical Element Revision
PhysPartRev  (O) Tag of latest Physical Element Revision

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_get_related_part_logistics_form ( tag_t  neutralItem,
tag_t partLogisticsForm 

ITK function to get the Part Logistics Form attached to a Neutral Item

neutralItem  (I) Tag of Neutral Item
partLogisticsForm  (O) Tag of Part Logistics Form

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_init_module (  ) 

Initializes the mrocore module. You must call this function before calling any other MROCORE functions.

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_name_occurrence ( tag_t  neutralBOMLine,
char *  selectedPattern 

ITK function to set Occurrence Name

neutralBOMLine  (I) Tag of Neutal BOM Line
selectedPattern  (I) Selected Pattern

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_rebase_physical_part ( tag_t  physicalBOMLine,
tag_t  neutralBOMLine,
date_t  rebaseDate,
const char *  structureContext 

ITK function to rebase Physical Part to Neutral Part

physicalBOMLine  (I) Tag of Physical BOM Line
neutralBOMLine  (I) Tag of Neutal BOM Line
rebaseDate  (I) Rebase Date
structureContext  (I) Structure Context Name

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_record_utilization ( tag_t  physBOMLine,
tag_t  logBook,
MROCORE_utilization_data_s  in_param,
MROCORE_characteristics_data_s charValueParams,
int  count,
tag_t logEntry 

ITK function for record utilization

physBOMLine  (I) Physical BOMLine Tag
logBook  (I) Log Book Tag
in_param  (I) Contains the utilization data to record for physical part
charValueParams  (I) List containing the Characteristics value for physical part
count  (I) Number of Characteristic values for physical part
logEntry  (O) Log Entry Tag

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_rename_physical_part ( tag_t  physBOMLine,
tag_t  physPartRev,
char *  newPartNumber,
char *  newSerialNumber,
date_t  renameDate,
tag_t newPhysPartRev 

ITK function to rename the physical part

physBOMLine  (I) Tag of Physical BOM Line
physPartRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
newPartNumber  (I) New Part Number
newSerialNumber  (I) New Serial Number
renameDate  (I) Rename Date
newPhysPartRev  (O) Tag of new Physical Part Revision

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_rename_physical_part_2 ( tag_t  physPartRev,
char *  newPartNumber,
char *  newSerialNumber,
date_t  renameDate,
tag_t newPhysPartRev 

ITK function to rename the physical part

physPartRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
newPartNumber  (I) New Part Number
newSerialNumber  (I) New Serial Number
renameDate  (I) Rename Date
newPhysPartRev  (O) Tag of new Physical Part Revision

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_physpart_mfg_date ( tag_t  physPart,
date_t  date_string 

ITK function to set Manufacture Date on Physical Part

physPart  (I) Tag of Physical Part
date_string  (I) Manufacture date

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_physpart_uid ( tag_t  physPart,
char *  physicalUID 

ITK function to set Physical Part Unique Identifier

physPart  (I) Tag of Physical Part
physicalUID  (I) Physical Part Unique Identifier

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_physpartrev_mfg_id ( tag_t  physRev,
char *  mfgId 

ITK function to set Manufacturer Id on Physical Part Revision

physRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
mfgId  (I) Manufacturer id

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_physpartrev_serial_number ( tag_t  physRev,
char *  serialNumber 

ITK function to set Serial Number on Physical Part Revision

physRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
serialNumber  (I) Serial Number

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_relation_install_date ( tag_t  relation,
date_t  date 

ITK function to set Installtion Date on Physical Structure

relation  (I) Tag of Physical Structure Relation
date  (I) Installtion Date

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_relation_part_used_is ( tag_t  relation,
char *  partUsedIs 

ITK function to set Part Used Is value on Physical Structure

relation  (I) Tag of Physical Structure Relation
partUsedIs  (I) Part Used Is value

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_set_window_top_line ( tag_t  window,
tag_t  item,
tag_t  itemRev,
tag_t  bomView,
tag_t top_bom_line 

ITK function to set top line in MRO BOM Window

window  (I) Tag of MRO BOM Window
item  (I) Tag of Item
itemRev  (I) Tag of Item Revision
bomView  (I) Tag of BOM View
top_bom_line  (O) Tag of Top BOM Line

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_setup_deviation ( tag_t  inParentPhysicalPart,
tag_t  childPhysicalPart,
tag_t  selDocument,
tag_t allowedDeviation 

ITK function to set up deviation for Physical Part installation

inParentPhysicalPart  (I) Parent Physical Part on which deviation need to be set
childPhysicalPart  (I) Child Physical Part for which deviation need to be set
selDocument  (I) Selected Deviation Documnet, can be empty
allowedDeviation  (O) Created Allowed Deviation

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_update_relation_part_used_is ( tag_t  physRev,
tag_t  itemRev,
tag_t  relation,
logical  validData,
logical  reset 


ITK function to set Part Used Is value on Physical Structure Relation

This function is deprecated, it will be removed from Teamcenter 8.0.1. In its place use MROCORE_update_relation_part_used_is2 to update the physical structure relation.
physRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
itemRev  (I) Tag of Neutral Item Revision
relation  (I) Tag of Physical Structure Relation
validData  (I) Flag to indicate required values are entered
reset  (I) Flag to indicate the status needs to reset

MROCORE_API int MROCORE_update_relation_part_used_is2 ( tag_t  physRev,
tag_t  itemRev 

ITK function to set Part Used Is value on Physical Structure Relation

physRev  (I) Tag of Physical Part Revision
itemRev  (I) Tag of Neutral Item Revision