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[System Administration]


Function Documentation

SA_API int SA_ask_current_role ( tag_t current_role_tag  ) 

Returns the role current tag of the logged in user.

current_role_tag  (O)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_description ( tag_t  role_tag,
char  description[SA_description_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_ask_role_description2
Returns the value of the description attribute for this role.
role_tag  (I)
description  (O)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_description2 ( tag_t  role_tag,
char **  description 

Returns the value of the description attribute for this role.

role_tag  (I)
description  (OF)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_name ( tag_t  role_tag,
char  rolename[SA_name_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_ask_role_name2
Returns the value of the name attribute for this role.
role_tag  (I)
rolename  (O)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_name2 ( tag_t  role_tag,
char **  rolename 

Returns the value of the name attribute for this role.

role_tag  (I)
rolename  (OF)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_name_by_localized_role_name ( const char *  localizedRoleName,
char  roleName[SA_name_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_ask_role_name_by_localized_role_name2
localizedRoleName  (I)
roleName  (O)

SA_API int SA_ask_role_name_by_localized_role_name2 ( const char *  localizedRoleName,
char **  roleName 

localizedRoleName  (I)
roleName  (OF)

SA_API int SA_create_role ( const char  rolename[SA_name_size_c+1],
tag_t role_tag 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_create_role2
Creates a Role object. It is not saved to the database until an explicit call to AOM_save occurs. A role name must be specified.
This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use the corresponding ITK version2
rolename  (I)
role_tag  (O)

SA_API int SA_create_role2 ( const char *  rolename,
tag_t role_tag 

Creates a Role object. It is not saved to the database until an explicit call to AOM_save occurs. A role name must be specified.

rolename  (I)
role_tag  (O)

SA_API int SA_extent_role ( int *  num_of_roles,
tag_t **  role_tags 

Allocates an array of tags, and stores in the array all roles in the database. The client is responsible for deallocating the array of role_tags. Use MEM_free to free the memory pointed to by role_tags.

num_of_roles  (O) Stores the size of the array
role_tags  (OF) num_of_roles Points to the array of tags

SA_API int SA_find_role ( const char  rolename[SA_name_size_c+1],
tag_t role_tag 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_find_role2 the corresponding ITK version2
Finds a role with the specified name. The role name is unique in the database. If an error occurs, then a non-zero integer returns. If no role exists with the specified name, then a zero returns on the stack and a NULLTAG returns for the role tag.
rolename  (I)
role_tag  (O)

SA_API int SA_find_role2 ( const char *  rolename,
tag_t role_tag 

Finds a role with the specified name. The role name is unique in the database. If an error occurs, then a non-zero integer returns. If no role exists with the specified name, then a zero returns on the stack and a NULLTAG returns for the role tag.

rolename  (I)
role_tag  (O)

SA_API int SA_get_mapped_role_attr_list ( int *  numberOfAttributes,
char ***  list 

Returns the list of mapped attributes for a role.

numberOfAttributes  (O)
list  (OF) numberOfAttributes

SA_API int SA_get_role_data_source ( const tag_t  role,
int *  dataSource 

Returns the role data source.

role  (I)
dataSource  (O)

SA_API int SA_get_role_last_sync_date ( const tag_t  role,
date_t syncDate 

Returns the role last sync date.

role  (I)
syncDate  (O)

SA_API int SA_initialize_role ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char  rolename[SA_name_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_initialize_role2
Initializes a Role object. It is not saved to the database until an explicit call to AOM_save occurs. This function is normally used with a subclass of Role. For example, if you defined a class special Role, you would first call POM_create_instance to create the object in memory. Then you would use this function to initialize the attributes which were inherited from Role. Finally, you would use additional POM calls to initialize the attributes comprising your specialization of Role.
role_tag  (I)
rolename  (I)

SA_API int SA_initialize_role2 ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char *  rolename 

Initializes a Role object. It is not saved to the database until an explicit call to AOM_save occurs. This function is normally used with a subclass of Role. For example, if you defined a class special Role, you would first call POM_create_instance to create the object in memory. Then you would use this function to initialize the attributes which were inherited from Role. Finally, you would use additional POM calls to initialize the attributes comprising your specialization of Role.

role_tag  (I)
rolename  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_data_source ( const tag_t  role,
int  dataSource 

Sets the data source for the role

role  (I)
dataSource  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_description ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char  description[SA_description_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_set_role_description2
Sets name attribute of the role.
role_tag  (I)
description  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_description2 ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char *  description 

Sets name attribute of the role.

role_tag  (I)
description  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_last_sync_date ( const tag_t  role,
date_t  syncDate 

Sets the data source for the role

role  (I)
syncDate  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_name ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char  rolename[SA_name_size_c+1] 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10 onwards, please use SA_set_role_name2
Sets name attribute of the role.
role_tag  (I)
rolename  (I)

SA_API int SA_set_role_name2 ( tag_t  role_tag,
const char *  rolename 

Sets name attribute of the role.

role_tag  (I)
rolename  (I)