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Type Specific Messages
[Teamcenter Types]


Define Documentation

#define TCTYPE_create_msg   "IMANTYPE_create"

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc10. In Tc8.3 onwards, please create the Teamcenter Types from BMIDE.
Create a new Teamcenter Type.

const char* type_name
const char* class_name
tag_t* new_type

Definition at line 44 of file tctype_msg.h.

#define TCTYPE_createprops_msg   "IMANTYPE_create_props"

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc10. In Tc8.3 onwards, please create the properties for Teamcenter Types from BMIDE.

Definition at line 76 of file tctype_msg.h.

#define TCTYPE_init_user_props_msg   "IMANTYPE_init_user_props"

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc10. In Tc8.3 onwards, please perform the user-defined initialization for properties of Teamcenter Types from BMIDE.
Performs user-defined initialization of properties on a type. Since properties on a type are generated at run-time, the definition of the properties can be done programmatically in a method registered against this message name. Examples of what might be done are:
  • Add a property
  • Register ask/set/init methods for a property
  • Remove a property
  • Change the definition of a property
Registration of methods for this message should be done with USER_register_properties to ensure that they are registered at the appropriate time.

See smp_user_props.c for sample code.

type_tag The tag for the type.

Definition at line 69 of file tctype_msg.h.

#define TCTYPE_viewerprops_msg   "IMANTYPE_viewer_props"

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc10. In Tc8.3 onwards, please view the properties for Teamcenter Types from BMIDE.

Definition at line 83 of file tctype_msg.h.