Solid Edge Revision Manager Object Library
Insight Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method CheckInAllCheckedOutDocumentsInCacheThis method checks in all checked out documents in the cache.
Public Method CheckInDocumentsToServerThis method checks the documents you specify in to the server.
Public Method CheckOutDocumentsFromServerThis method checks the documents you specify out from the server.
Public Method CheckSupportThis method checks for SharePoint Server support on the specified server.
Public Method ClearCacheThis method deletes all files from the cache.
Public Method CopyFilesThis method copies the specified files from one managed folder to another managed folder.
Public Method CreateFolderThis method creates a folder or group of folders with the specified name or names.
Public Method DeleteDocumentsFromCacheThis method deletes the documents you specify from the cache.
Public Method DeleteDocumentsFromServerThis method deletes the documents you specify from the server.
Public Method DeleteFolderThis method deletes the specified list of files and/or folders and returns the successfully deleted files.
Public Method DisplayPropertyManagerDlg 
Public Method DoesUserHaveAdminRightsThis method returns whether a specified user has administrator rights for a specified file or folder.
Public Method DownloadDocumentFromServerThis method downloads the document you specify from the server to the local cache.
Public Method DownloadDocumentFromServerWithAllLinks 
Public Method EnableDeveloperLogThis method specifies whether a developer log of Insight events is written to the local machine.
Public Method ExportDocumentsFromServerThis method exports the specified documents from the server to an unmanaged location you specify.
Public Method FileExistsThis read-only method returns whether the specified file exists.
Public Method FindWhereUsedOnServerThis method searches the server for files that use the properties you specify.
Public Method FolderExistsThis read-only method returns whether the specified folder exists.
Public Method GetCachePathThis method returns the cache paths for the specified files.
Public Method GetCookieData 
Public Method GetDirsThis method returns a subfolder listing for the specified location -- the number and list of subfolders existing in the tree of the parent folder on the SharePoint server.
Public Method GetDocStateThis method returns the document state for the specified file.
Public Method GetFilePropertiesFromServerThis method retrieves the specified properties for the specified files from the server.
Public Method GetFilesThis method returns a file listing for the specified location.
Public Method GetIndirectFilesThis method returns a list of indirect files for the given file name.
Public Method GetIndirectFilesTree 
Public Method GetLastInsightTransactionMessagesThis method returns Insight error log information for the last Insight transaction.
Public Method GetOutOfDateDocumentsThis method returns all out-of-date documents in the local cache.
Public Method GetRevisedFromThis method returns the previous document name of the input document name.
Public Method GetSharePointServerTypeThis method returns the SharePoint server type for the specified file name.
Public Method GetUserRights 
Public Method GetUserRoleThis method returns the user role for a specified file or folder and user name.
Public Method ImportDocumentsToServerThis method imports to the server the documents and/or folders you specify.
Public Method IsDocumentLibraryContainsRequiredProperty 
Public Method ISDocumentParserEnabled 
Public Method IsFileCheckedOutThis method returns the check out status of the specified file.
Public Method IsInsightSupportedThis method returns Insight support status.
Public Method IsVersioningEnabledForTheInputDocLib 
Public Method MoveAllDocumentsThroughWorkFlowThis method moves the specified file and all of its associated drafts and revisions to the specified status.
Public Method MoveDocumentsThroughWorkFlowThis method moves the specified file (and optionally its drafts and revisions) to the specified status.
Public Method PutUserNameAndPasswordIntoCacheThis method places the current user name and password in the cache of the specified workspace.
Public Method RemoveAllFilesFromRecycleBin 
Public Method RenameFilesThis method renames the specified files and moves them to a new location.
Public Method RestoreAllFilesFromRecycleBin 
Public Method ReviseFilesThis method revises the files of the specified container document.
Public Method SetFilePropertiesOnServer 
Public Method SetInsightATPInfo 
Public Method SetInsightATPRunning 
Public Method SetInsightOfflineMode 
Public Method SetInsightUserNamePasswordThis method sets the specified user name and password for the specified workspace.
Public Method ShowRevisionsForServerDocuments 
Public Method SynchronizeAllDocumentsInCacheThis method synchronizes all out-of-date documents in the cache with the server.
Public Method SynchronizeDocumentsInCacheThis method synchronizes the documents you specify in the cache with the server.
Public Method UndoCheckOutDocumentsFromServerThis method undoes the most recent checkout for the documents you specify.
Public Method UploadDocumentsToServerThis method uploads the specified documents to the server.
Public Method UsePathAsDefaultFolderMapPath 
Public Method ValidateDocsOnLCA 
See Also

Insight Object

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