Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
AssemblyCopy Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ChangeSourceThis method needs to be called only if the caller wants to change the parent assembly filename. In which case, we need to know what components need to be included and/or excluded.
Public Method ComponentSettingsTo Edit an existing AssemblyCopy (IAC Mirror), the caller first needs to get the definition of the AssemblyCopy via GetDefinition() that returns the included/excluded occurrences, output occurrences(not necessary for edit) and Actions array , AdjustPlane Array and userEnums, whether the input  occurrence is included or excluded in the definition and the options chosen for each occurrence.
Public Method GetDefinition
Public Method GetMultibodyDefinition
Public Method Update
Public Properties
Public Property AddNewComponentsOnUpdate
Public Property Application
Public Property AssemblyCopyType
Public Property CoordinateSystem
Public Property IncludeAssemblyFeatures
Public Property IsFrozen
Public Property IsOutOfDate
Public Property MirrorPlane
Public Property Name
Public Property Parent
Public Property SourceDocument
Public Property SourceFilename
Public Property Status
See Also

AssemblyCopy Object  | Solid Edge ST5 - What's New

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