Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
AddAxialWithParallelOffset Method
Specifies a Reference object derived from a face on the first part to be aligned.
Specifies a Reference object derived from a face on the second part to be aligned.
Specifies whether or not to apply a fixed offset to the objects.
Specifies the distance of the offset between the objects.
Adds an axial relationship with parallel offset.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddAxialWithParallelOffset( _
   ByVal Axis1 As Object, _
   ByVal Axis2 As Object, _
   ByVal FixedOffset As Boolean, _
   ByVal Offset As Double _
) As AxialRelation3d
Specifies a Reference object derived from a face on the first part to be aligned.
Specifies a Reference object derived from a face on the second part to be aligned.
Specifies whether or not to apply a fixed offset to the objects.
Specifies the distance of the offset between the objects.
See Also

Relations3d Collection  | Relations3d Members

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