Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
AddPointWithInferredGeometry Method
Specifies the geometry that contains the point.
Specifies the point on the sketch. This can be a true point object, or a point associated with another geometry type (endpoint of line, center of circle, and so forth).
Adds a point relationship with inferred Geometry.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddPointWithInferredGeometry( _
   ByVal PointGeometry As Object, _
   ByVal SketchPoint As Object _
) As PointRelation3d
Specifies the geometry that contains the point.
Specifies the point on the sketch. This can be a true point object, or a point associated with another geometry type (endpoint of line, center of circle, and so forth).
This method adds a point relationship to the referenced Relations3d collection using inferred geometry, either at the top level or a nested level.
See Also

Relations3d Collection  | Relations3d Members

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