Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
HasBodyOverride Property
Creation of an assembly feature, for example, on an SubOccurrence of an assembly results in an override body being created for the SubOccurrence in the context of the assembly. Solid Edge uses the override body in place of the body from the SubOccurrence document in the assembly for display, interference analysis etc.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property HasBodyOverride As Boolean
Return Type
A return value of True implies that the design model in the Part document of the SubOccurrence has alternate geometry in the context of the assembly.

When objXYZ.HasBodyOverride=True, the override body may be accessed by the method objXYZ.Body where objXYZ is an object of type SubOccurrence and objXYZ.Subassembly=FALSE.

This method returns the body in the assembly space where the override was created and not in the original part space, therefore SubOccurrence transform should not be directly applied to the body geometry.

Member of SolidEdgeAssembly.SubOccurrence
Property HasBodyOverride As Boolean (read-only)
See Also

SubOccurrence Object  | SubOccurrence Members  | Solid Edge V17 - What's New

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