Solid Edge Draft Type Library
SetGlobalParameter Method
Specifies the global parameter for which the setting is to be set. Valid values are members of the ApplicationGlobalConstants for Application objects, AssemblyGlobalConstants for AssemblyDocument objects, PartGlobalConstants for PartDocument objects, SheetMetalGlobalConstants for SheetMetalDocument objects, or WeldmentGlobalConstants for WeldmentDocument objects.
Specifies the setting of the global parameter identified by the Parameter argument. The data type depends on the data being set. For Application objects, the data type is Long or Variant. For all other objects, the data type is Double.
Sets the value of a specified global parameter for the referenced Application or document object.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SetGlobalParameter( _
   ByVal Parameter As DraftGlobalConstants, _
   ByVal value As Variant _
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Specifies the global parameter for which the setting is to be set. Valid values are members of the ApplicationGlobalConstants for Application objects, AssemblyGlobalConstants for AssemblyDocument objects, PartGlobalConstants for PartDocument objects, SheetMetalGlobalConstants for SheetMetalDocument objects, or WeldmentGlobalConstants for WeldmentDocument objects.
Specifies the setting of the global parameter identified by the Parameter argument. The data type depends on the data being set. For Application objects, the data type is Long or Variant. For all other objects, the data type is Double.
The values for Arc quality (seApplicationGlobalDisplayArcQuality constant) range from 6 to 72. For values less than six, the display arc quality will be set to six. For values greater than 72, the display arc quality is set to 72. The values for Display Quality (seApplicationGlobalDisplayQuality) range from 0 to 48. For values less than 0, the display quality will be set to 0. For values greater than 48, the display quality will be set to 48.
See Also

DraftDocument Object  | DraftDocument Members

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