Solid Edge Draft Type Library
Add2dModelView Method
Specifies the scale of the 2D Model view. The scale determines the size of the 2D Model view in that the view sizes automatically to display everything within the view definition box.
Specifies the x coordinate of the 2D Model view origin.
Specifies the y coordinate of the 2D Model view origin.
This method creates a 2D Model view as a DrawingView object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add2dModelView( _
   ByVal Scale As Double, _
   ByVal x1 As Double, _
   ByVal y1 As Double _
) As DrawingView
Specifies the scale of the 2D Model view. The scale determines the size of the 2D Model view in that the view sizes automatically to display everything within the view definition box.
Specifies the x coordinate of the 2D Model view origin.
Specifies the y coordinate of the 2D Model view origin.
See Also

DrawingViews Collection  | DrawingViews Members  | Solid Edge V18 - What's New

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