Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Duplicate Method
Specifies the distance in the x direction from the original that the copy of the referenced object is to be placed.
Specifies the distance in the y direction from the original that the copy of the referenced object is to be placed.
Visual Basic
Public Function Duplicate( _
   Optional ByVal XDistance As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal YDistance As Variant _
) As Object
Specifies the distance in the x direction from the original that the copy of the referenced object is to be placed.
Specifies the distance in the y direction from the original that the copy of the referenced object is to be placed.
The referenced object is copied to the new location relative to the original (source) location. The distance is the difference from the object's original location to the XDistance and YDistance values. The new object is returned.
See Also

AreaProperties Object  | AreaProperties Members  | Solid Edge V20 - What's New

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