Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
SetSegmentedStyle Method
Specifies the index for the segment of the graphic object that will receive the new linear style.
Specifies the new LinearStyle2d object to assign to the segment. A null style removes the segment from the graphic object.
Applies a new linear style to a specified segment on a graphic object.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SetSegmentedStyle( _
   ByVal Index As Long, _
   ByVal Style As Object _
Specifies the index for the segment of the graphic object that will receive the new linear style.
Specifies the new LinearStyle2d object to assign to the segment. A null style removes the segment from the graphic object.
If a linear style does not exist for the formatting needed for the segment, create the linear style through the LinearStyles collection object.
See Also

EllipticalArc2d Object  | EllipticalArc2d Members

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