Solid Edge Framework Type Library
Add Method
Defines the type of control to add to the specified command bar. Valid values are members of the seControlType constant set.
Specifies a built-in control. If the value of this argument is 1 or if this argument is omitted, a blank custom control of the specified type is added to the command bar.
Indicates the position of the new control on the command bar. The new control is inserted before the control at this position. If this argument is omitted, the control is added at the end of the specified command bar.
Specifies whether or not the new control is temporary. If True, the new control is temporary; temporary controls are deleted when Solid Edge is closed. The default value is False.
Adds an occurrence of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Function Add( _
   Optional ByVal Type As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal Id As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal Before As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal Temporary As Variant _
) As CommandBarControl
Defines the type of control to add to the specified command bar. Valid values are members of the seControlType constant set.
Specifies a built-in control. If the value of this argument is 1 or if this argument is omitted, a blank custom control of the specified type is added to the command bar.
Indicates the position of the new control on the command bar. The new control is inserted before the control at this position. If this argument is omitted, the control is added at the end of the specified command bar.
Specifies whether or not the new control is temporary. If True, the new control is temporary; temporary controls are deleted when Solid Edge is closed. The default value is False.
The returned variable can be temporary. Although you can use it immediately upon creation (for example, to set properties), do not use it for subsequent routines. To retrieve the button for later routines, use the FindControl method.
See Also

CommandBarControls Collection  | CommandBarControls Members

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