Solid Edge Framework Type Library
CheckInDocumentsToInsightXTServerEx Method

This is two dimensional array. Each row contains data per document. Each column will contain input information.

For a document to be uploaded and checked in:

  1. First column represents cache filename to be uploaded and checked in. (in) This is mandatory
  2. Second column represents container wise properties to support field set. (in) This is mandatory. Caller should set to nothing if they do not want to send any value.
  3. Third column represents the Project IDs in which the given item is to be added. These project Ids will be separated by semi comma. 
  4. Fourth column represents the Project IDs from which the given item is to be removed. These project Ids will be separated by semi comma.
Third and fourth columns are added in order to add the items to projects while doing checkin of item in order to not break the existing APIs we make these parameters optional.
This is one dimensional array for sending arguments. The first element should contain Boolean flag to tell whether only upload files and not checked in.
CheckIn the Documents to the Server
Visual Basic
Public Sub CheckInDocumentsToInsightXTServerEx( _
   ByRef pvarFilesToBeCheckedInInfo As Variant, _
   ByRef pvarArguments As Variant _

This is two dimensional array. Each row contains data per document. Each column will contain input information.

For a document to be uploaded and checked in:

  1. First column represents cache filename to be uploaded and checked in. (in) This is mandatory
  2. Second column represents container wise properties to support field set. (in) This is mandatory. Caller should set to nothing if they do not want to send any value.
  3. Third column represents the Project IDs in which the given item is to be added. These project Ids will be separated by semi comma. 
  4. Fourth column represents the Project IDs from which the given item is to be removed. These project Ids will be separated by semi comma.
Third and fourth columns are added in order to add the items to projects while doing checkin of item in order to not break the existing APIs we make these parameters optional.
This is one dimensional array for sending arguments. The first element should contain Boolean flag to tell whether only upload files and not checked in.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application
    Dim objSolidEdgeInsightXT  As SolidEdgeFramework.SolidEdgeInsightXT
    Set objApplication = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    Set objSolidEdgeInsightXT = objApplication.SolidEdgeInsightXT

    'Example takes two documents to be checked in To InsightXT.
    'Caller should fill two dimensional array with two rows and two columns as filename and container wise props for smart code field set support.
    Dim FilesToBeCheckedInInfo(1, 1) As Object
    FilesToBeCheckedInInfo(0, 0) = "D:\300120.par" 'Cache Path
    FilesToBeCheckedInInfo(0, 1) = SmartCodesInfo(0, 4)
    FilesToBeCheckedInInfo(1, 0) = "D:\400120.par" 'Cache Path
    FilesToBeCheckedInInfo(1, 1) = SmartCodesInfo(1, 4)
    'Set Boolean upload flag
    Dim bUpload As Boolean
    bUpload = False
    'Fill array with first element with Upload flag.
    Dim ObjArgs(0) As Object
    ObjArgs(0) = bUpload
    Call objSolidEdgeInsightXT.CheckInDocumentsToInsightXTServerEx(FilesToBeCheckedInInfo, ObjArgs)

    Set objSolidEdgeInsightXT = Nothing
    Set objApplication = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

SolidEdgeInsightXT Object  | SolidEdgeInsightXT Members  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New

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