Solid Edge Framework Type Library
GetProjectsForGivenItemIDs Method

This is two dimensional array.

  1. First column represent the item ID which is in parameter in array.
  2. Second column represents the Project IDs which is out parameter we are going to get.
When we are going to get the number of projects out, they will be separated by semi comma (;).  E.g. say three projects namely 2000, 2020, 2012 in which item id 001234 is there. Then the output which we will get is 2000;2020;2012.
Returns the projects for given ItemID.
Visual Basic
Public Sub GetProjectsForGivenItemIDs( _
   ByRef pvarListOfItemIDsAndProjects As Variant _

This is two dimensional array.

  1. First column represent the item ID which is in parameter in array.
  2. Second column represents the Project IDs which is out parameter we are going to get.
When we are going to get the number of projects out, they will be separated by semi comma (;).  E.g. say three projects namely 2000, 2020, 2012 in which item id 001234 is there. Then the output which we will get is 2000;2020;2012.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application
    Dim objSolidEdgeInsightXT  As SolidEdgeFramework.SolidEdgeInsightXT
    Set objApplication = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    Set objSolidEdgeInsightXT = objApplication.SolidEdgeInsightXT

    Dim ItemIDAndProjectInfo(1, 1) As Variant
    ItemIDAndProjectInfo(0, 0) = "002262"
    ItemIDAndProjectInfo(0, 1) = ""
    ItemIDAndProjectInfo(1, 0) = "002359"
    ItemIDAndProjectInfo(1, 1) = ""
    Call objSolidEdgeInsightXT.GetProjectsForGivenItemIDs(ItemIDAndProjectInfo)

    Set objSolidEdgeInsightXT = Nothing
    Set objApplication = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

SolidEdgeInsightXT Object  | SolidEdgeInsightXT Members  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New

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