Solid Edge Framework Type Library
ViewStyle Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddLightAdds a light to the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method BeginPropertyBuffer
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method DeleteLightDeletes a light from the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method FlushPropertyBufferFlushes the property buffer for the referenced FaceStyle or ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetAnalysisParametersReturns the analysis parameters of the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetGradientBackground
Public Method GetGradientColor
Public Method GetLightReturns the parameters of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetLightColorReturns the color of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetLightIntensityReturns the intensity of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetLightPhiReturns the angle of the rotation in a spherical coordinate system of a specified light relative to the target for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetLightThetaReturns the angle of the sweep in a spherical coordinate system of a specified light relative to the target for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetSkyboxOrientationReturns the orientation of the skybox used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method GetSkyboxSideFilenameReturns the file name of the image used on one side of the skybox in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetAnalysisParametersSets the analysis parameters of the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetGradientBackground
Public Method SetGradientColor
Public Method SetLightSets the parameters of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetLightColorSets the color of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetLightIntensitySets the intensity of a specified light for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetLightPhiSets the angle of the rotation in a spherical coordinate system of a specified light relative to the target for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetLightThetaSets the angle of the sweep in a spherical coordinate system of a specified light relative to the target for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetSkyboxOrientationSets the orientation of the skybox used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetSkyboxSideFilenameSets the file name of the image used on one side of the skybox in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SetSkyboxSkyFileSets the name of the sky file used to define the skybox in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SkyboxClearClears the image from one side of the skybox in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Method SkyboxClearAllClears the images from all sides of the skybox in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Properties
Public Property AllowOverridesSpecifies whether or not overrides can be applied to the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property AmbientBlueSets and returns the blue component of the ambient color.
Public Property AmbientColorSets and returns the ambient color for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property AmbientGreenSets and returns the green component of the ambient color.
Public Property AmbientIntensitySets and returns the intensity of the ambient color for the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property AmbientRedSets and returns the red component of the ambient color.
Public Property AntialiasLevel
Public Property AntialiasSurface
Public Property AntialiasWireframe
Public Property BackgroundImageFileSets and returns the background image file used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property BackgroundMirrorX
Public Property BackgroundMirrorY
Public Property BackgroundTypeSets and returns the type of background used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property Bumpmaps
Public Property CastShadows
Public Property DepthFading
Public Property DimPercentage
Public Property DropShadow
Public Property FloorReflection
Public Property FocalLength
Public Property HiddenLineMode
Public Property HiddenLines
Public Property HighQuality
Public Property IsBackgroundImageDisplayed
Public Property NumLights
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property Perspective
Public Property Reflections
Public Property RenderMode
Public Property RenderModeTypeSets and returns the render mode used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property Silhouettes
Public Property SilhouettesEnabledSets and returns the flag in the referenced ViewStyle object that determines whether silhouettes will be displayed in Smooth with VHL overlay render mode.
Public Property SkyboxTypeSets and returns the type of skybox used in the referenced ViewStyle object.
Public Property StyleIDReturns the ID number of the referenced style object.
Public Property StyleNameSets and returns the name of the style that is applied to the referenced object.
Public Property Textures
See Also

ViewStyle Object

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