Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
BSplineSurface Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetBSplineDataReturns the poles, weights, and knots that fully define a non-uniform, rational B-Spline object.
Public Method GetBSplineInfoReturns the overall information related to the referenced B-Spline object.
Public Method GetIsClosedSpecifies whether or not the referenced curve is closed.
Public Method GetIsPeriodicReturns True if the referenced object is periodic.
Public Method GetNumKnotsReturns the number of knots in the referenced object.
Public Method GetNumPolesReturns the number of poles for the referenced object.
Public Method GetOrderReturns the order for the referenced object.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property IsPlanarReturns True if the referenced object is planar.
Public Property IsRationalReturns True if the referenced object is rational.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property TypeReturns a member of the GNTTypePropertyConstants set to indicate the type of the referenced object.
See Also

BSplineSurface Object

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