Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
Project Overview
Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
Class ModuleDescription
BodyProvides a set of interfaces that allow you to access the topological and sense data that is related to the object.
BSplineCurveDescribes the 3-D B-Spline curve.
BSplineSurfaceDescribes the B-Spline surface of the faces of a solid.
CircleRepresents the circle surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
ConeRepresents the cone surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
CurveRepresents an occurrence of a curve topological entity.
CurveBodyRepresents an instance of a construction surface.
CurvePathRepresents an occurrence of a collection of curves presented in sequential order.
CurvePathsRepresents a collection of CurvePath objects.
CurvesRepresents a collection of Curve objects.
CurveVertexHolds the topological position of the endpoint of an Edge.
CurveVerticesRepresents a collection of Vertices.
CylinderRepresents the cylinder surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
EdgeRepresents the elemental piece of the 3-D geometry information for the boundaries of a Face.
EdgesRepresents a collection of Edges.
EdgeUseRepresents the use of a given Edge in a loop.
EdgeUsesRepresents a collection of EdgeUses.
EllipseRepresents the ellipse surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
FaceRepresents the elemental piece of surface data that makes up the body.
FacesRepresents a collection of Faces.
LineDescribes a Line in 3-D space.
LoopRepresents a closed contour on a given Face.
LoopsRepresents a collection of Loops.
ParamBSplineCurveDescribes the 2-D B-Spline curve.
PlaneRepresents the plane surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
ShellRepresents a set of connected Faces.
ShellsRepresents a collection of Shells.
SphereRepresents the sphere surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
TorusRepresents the torus surface geometry to provide access to information about the faces of a solid.
VertexHolds the topological position of the endpoint of an Edge.
VerticesRepresents a collection of Vertices.
Public Enumerations
FeatureTopologyQueryTypeConstantsFeature Topology Query Type Constants
GNTTypePropertyConstantsGNT Type Property Constants
SmartCollectionTypeConstantsSmart Collection Type Constants
TopologyCollectionTypeConstantsTopology Collection Type Constants
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