Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
CurvePath Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetExactRangeReturns the exact range for the referenced object.
Public Method GetRangeReturns the minimum and maximum points of the range for the referenced object.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AreaReturns the area of the referenced object.
Public Property CurveBodyReturns the CurveBody object associated with the referenced Curve, CurvePath, or Profile object.
Public Property CurvesReturns the Curves object for the referenced CurveBody or CurvePath object.
Public Property IsClosedReturns a Boolean value to specify whether or not the start and end points of the referenced object are coincident.
Public Property IsPlanarReturns True if the referenced object is planar.
Public Property IsPointInsideReturns True if the specified point is unambiguously inside the volume enclosed by the referenced object.
Public Property IsVoidSpecifies whether or not the referenced Shell encloses material.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
See Also

CurvePath Object

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