Solid Edge Part Type Library
QueryByProperty Method
Specifies the type of query to perform. Valid values are members of the PropertyTableConstants constant set. With seCustomPropertyQueryAllProperties, TableName is ignored. With seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, the TableName and any custom property name/value pairs specified are searched for exact matches. With seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, only custom property name/value pairs are searched, and matches with all name/value pairs are returned.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, TableName specifies the AttachedPropertyTable.Name for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, NumProps specifies the number of PropName-PropType-PropValue sets for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue or seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, PropName specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Name strings for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue or seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, PropType specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Type constants for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, PropVal specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Value for which you are searching.
Returns a SEGenericCollection object that consists of AttachedProperty objects that match all of the query inputs.
Visual Basic
Public Function QueryByProperty( _
   ByVal QueryType As PropertyTableConstants, _
   Optional ByVal TableName As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal NumProps As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal PropName As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal PropType As Variant, _
   Optional ByVal PropVal As Variant _
) As Object
seCustomPropertyQueryAllPropertiesProperty Table - Query All Properties
seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValueProperty Table - Query By Name and Value
seCustomPropertyQueryByTableProperty Table - Query By Table
Specifies the type of query to perform. Valid values are members of the PropertyTableConstants constant set. With seCustomPropertyQueryAllProperties, TableName is ignored. With seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, the TableName and any custom property name/value pairs specified are searched for exact matches. With seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, only custom property name/value pairs are searched, and matches with all name/value pairs are returned.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, TableName specifies the AttachedPropertyTable.Name for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, NumProps specifies the number of PropName-PropType-PropValue sets for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue or seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, PropName specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Name strings for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue or seCustomPropertyQueryByTable, PropType specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Type constants for which you are searching.
When the QueryType is seCustomPropertyQueryByNameAndValue, PropVal specifies the array of AttachedProperty.Value for which you are searching.
See Also

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