Solid Edge Part Type Library
Pattern Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddToPattern
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetAxisPosition
Public Method GetCircularPatternData
Public Method GetCurve1CurvesReturns curve data for the select curve.
Public Method GetCurve1DataReturns data parameters for the select curve.
Public Method GetCurve2CurvesReturns curve data for the path curve.
Public Method GetCurve2DataReturns data parameters for the path curve.
Public Method GetDimensionsReturns the Dimensions collection object for the referenced object.
Public Method GetFillPatternData
Public Method GetFillRegionProfiles
Public Method GetInputFeaturesReturns the input feature for the referenced feature.
Public Method GetOccurrenceReturns the collection of occurrences for the referenced pattern.
Public Method GetOriginPosition
Public Method GetRectangularPatternData
Public Method GetStyleReturns the feature style.
Public Method GetSuppressRegionProfiles
Public Method GetTransformTypeReturns transformation type.
Public Method InsertOccurrenceInserts a pattern occurrence.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method ReorderInserts the referenced object in front of or behind another feature.
Public Method RollToFeatureRolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Public Method SetAxisPosition
Public Method SetCircularPatternData
Public Method SetCurve1CurvesSets curve data for the select curve.
Public Method SetCurve1DataSets data parameters for the select curve.
Public Method SetCurve2CurvesSets curve data for the path curve.
Public Method SetCurve2DataSets data parameters for the path curve.
Public Method SetFillPatternData
Public Method SetFillRegionProfiles
Public Method SetOriginPosition
Public Method SetRectangularPatternData
Public Method SetStyleSets the feature style.
Public Method SetSuppressRegionProfiles
Public Method SetTransformTypeSets transformation type.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property ArcPattern
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property EdgesReturns a collection of edges of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology collection of faces.
Public Property FacesReturns a collection of faces of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology object.
Public Property FacesByRayReturns a collection of faces that are intersected by a specified vector.
Public Property FillPatternMethod
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property ModelingModeType
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NumberOfInputFeaturesReturns the number of input features for the referenced pattern.
Public Property NumberOfOccurrencesReturns the number of occurrences of the referenced pattern.
Public Property OccurrenceEdgesReturns the edges that belong to an occurrence of the referenced Pattern object.
Public Property OccurrenceFacesReturns the faces that belong to an occurrence of the referenced Pattern object.
Public Property OccurrenceIndexReturns the index for the feature occurrence for the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PatternDirection
Public Property PatternMethod
Public Property PatternPlaneReturns the PatternPlane object for the referenced object.
Public Property PatternTypeSets and returns the pattern to apply to the referenced Pattern object.
Public Property ProfileSets and returns the Profile object used to construct the referenced feature object.
Public Property ReferenceOccurrenceSets and returns the pattern occurrence that serves as the reference occurrence.
Public Property ShowDimensionsControls the display of dimensions for the feature object.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property SuppressTemporarily suppresses the referenced object.
Public Property SuppressedSpecifies whether or not the referenced pattern object is suppressed.
Public Property SuppressVariableReturns the suppress variable object.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property TransformsReturns a read-only variant.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
See Also

Pattern Object

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