Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Connector Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method BringForwardChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of the first object that obscures it.
Public Method BringToFrontChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of all other overlapping objects.
Public Method CopyPlaces a copy of the referenced object on the clipboard.
Public Method CutMoves the referenced object to the system clipboard.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method GetCenterElementThis function returns the center element, center point and the key point index. If the connector is not connected to a key point the index will be -1.
Public Method GetConnectorTypeThis method returns a member of the ConnectorTypeConstants constant set that specifies the type of the referenced Connector object.
Public Method GetEndElementThis method returns the end element, end point and the key point index. If the connector is not connected to a key point the index will be -1.
Public Method GetEndPointThis method returns the coordinates of the referenced object's end point.
Public Method GetEndTerminatorTypeThis method returns a member of the DimTermTypeTypeConstants constant set that specifies the type of the end terminator on the referenced Connector object.
Public Method GetFlipStateThis method returns the flip state of the connector. By default, the first segment of corner and step connectors is horizontal and when FlipState is TRUE, the first segment is vertical. For jump connectors, the start-to-end direction determines whether the arc is above or below the connector. When TRUE, only the arc is flipped.
Public Method GetJumpRadiusThis method returns the jump radius for the referenced Connector object. The radius is a factor of DimStyle.LineWidth, accessible through the Style property of the referenced Connector object.
Public Method GetKeyPointReturns information about a specified key point.
Public Method GetStartElementThis method returns the Start element, start point and the key point index. If the connector is not connected to a key point the index will be -1.
Public Method GetStartPointThis method returns the coordinates of the start point for the referenced object.
Public Method GetStartTerminatorTypeThis method returns a member of the DimTermTypeTypeConstants constant set that specifies the type of the start terminator on the referenced Connector object.
Public Method PromoteToCurrentVersionPromotes connector to the latest version behavior, the same as if placing a new object.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method SelectSelects the referenced object in the active window.
Public Method SendBackwardChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object so that it is in back of the first object behind it.
Public Method SendToBackChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object behind all overlapping objects.
Public Method SetCenterElementThis method sets the center element on the connector. It is valid only for Jump Connector. Calling this method on Connector objects of other types will cause a run-time error.
Public Method SetConnectorTypeThis method specifies the type of the referenced Connector object by passing a member of the ConnectorTypeConstants constant set.
Public Method SetEndElementThis method sets the end element on the connector and connects to the end point if the index is not a key point index (-1). If the index is a valid key point index, the method ignores the point and connects to the index point. The method disconnect the previous end element, if it exists. If EndObj is NULL, the method disconnects the connector and makes it free space on the end side.
Public Method SetEndPoint
Public Method SetEndTerminatorTypeThis method specifies the type of the end terminator on the referenced Connector object by passing a member of the DimTermTypeTypeConstants constant set.
Public Method SetFlipStateThis method sets the flip state of the connector. For corner and step connectors, pass TRUE to flip the connector from horizontal to vertical. For a jump connector, pass TRUE to flip the arc above the line.
Public Method SetJumpRadiusThis method sets the jump radius for the referenced Connector object. The radius is a factor of DimStyle.LineWidth, accessible through the Style property of the referenced Connector object.
Public Method SetStartElementThis method sets the start element on the connector and connects to the start point if the index is not a key point index (-1). If the index is a valid key point index, the method ignores the point and connects to the index point. The method disconnect the previous start element, if it exists. If StartObj is NULL, the method disconnects the connector and makes it free space on the start side.
Public Method SetStartPointThis method relocates the starting point of the referenced object.
Public Method SetStartTerminatorTypeThis method specifies the type of the start terminator on the referenced Connector object by passing a member of the DimTermTypeTypeConstants constant set.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property KeyReturns a key (a string) to find the object relative to its owning parents.
Public Property KeyPointCountReturns the number of keypoints/handles that are supported by the referenced object.
Public Property LayerSets and returns the named layer on which the referenced object resides.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property TextScaleSets and returns the text scale of the object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property ZOrderSpecifies the front-to-back order in which an object is displayed relative to other objects.
See Also

Connector Object  | Solid Edge V18 - What's New