Solid Edge Framework Type Library
View Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ApplyNamedViewApply a named view.
Public Method AreaZoomCameraZooms the camera view to the specified window area.
Public Method BeginCameraDynamicsStarts the dynamic effects of the camera view.
Public Method ClearRotationFocusClear view rotation focus parameters.
Public Method CreateUserRangeCreates a user range identifier.
Public Method DeleteUserRangeDeletes a user range by identifier.
Public Method EndCameraDynamicsEnds the dynamic effects of the camera view.
Public Method FitChanges the scale of the referenced object to fit within a frame.
Public Method GetAttributeGets in the referenced View object the named attribute value.
Public Method GetCameraReturns the settings of the camera.
Public Method GetCameraExReturns the settings of the camera.
Public Method GetCounterReturns a counter value chosen by Type from the current view. If bReset is false, the count is cumulative.
Public Method GetDisplayDepthsGets in the referenced View object the definitions of the active display depths.
Public Method GetModelRangeReturn the model range.
Public Method GetRotationFocusThis method returns all the current rotation focus settings including the options flags and can be used to detect manual rotation focus parameters.
Public Method GetSectionPlanesGets in the referenced View object the definitions of the active section planes.
Public Method GetUserRangeGets a user range limits by identifier.
Public Method LocateReturn the closest point at the specified screen location.
Public Method ModelToDCTransforms model coordinates to Device Context coordinates.
Public Method ModelToViewTransforms model coordinates to View coordinates.
Public Method OrientCameraOrients the camera. Converts three mouse positions on the screen into one of three motions: rotate when cmdtype = 1, pan when cmdtype = 2, or zoom when cmdtype = 3.
Public Method OrientCameraExOrients the camera. Converts three mouse positions on the screen into one of three motions: rotate when cmdtype = 1, pan when cmdtype = 2, or zoom when cmdtype = 3.
Public Method PanCameraPans the camera view (dx, dy) pixels across the screen.
Public Method RotateCameraRotates the camera Angle degrees about an axis centered at (CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ), with the axis pointing in the direction (AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ).
Public Method SaveAsImageSaves the current view as an image.
Public Method SaveCurrentViewSave current view to named view.
Public Method SetAttributeSets in the referenced View object the named attribute value.
Public Method SetCameraSpecifies the settings of the camera.
Public Method SetCameraExSpecifies the settings of the camera.
Public Method SetDisplayDepthsSets in the referenced View object the definitions of the active display depths.
Public Method SetRenderModeSets the render mode used in this view.
Public Method SetRotationAxisSet the rotation focus about an explicit axis where X, Y, and Z define a point in top level model coordinates and NX, NY, and NZ define the direction of the axis in the top level model.
Public Method SetRotationFocusSet view rotation focus parameters.
Public Method SetRotationPointSet the rotation focus to be free rotation about an explicit point where X, Y, and Z define the point in top level model coordinates.
Public Method SetSectionPlanesSets in the referenced View object the definitions of the active section planes [0 will remove all planes].
Public Method SetUserRangeSets a user range limits by identifier.
Public Method ShowDrawDCDisplays the Device Context into which the drawing is done.
Public Method SwapBuffersSwap drawing buffers in this view.
Public Method TransformDCToModelConverts device context coordinates to model coordinates.
Public Method TransformGLProjectionToViewConverts OpenGL Projection coordinates to View coordinates.
Public Method TransformModelToDCConverts Model coordinates to device context coordinates.
Public Method TransformModelToViewConverts Model coordinates to View coordinates.
Public Method TransformViewToGLProjectionConverts View coordinates to OpenGL projection coordinates.
Public Method TransformViewToModelConverts View coordinates to Model coordinates.
Public Method UpdateUpdates the referenced object.
Public Method ViewToGLProjectionTransforms View coordinates to OpenGL projection coordinates.
Public Method ZoomCameraZooms the camera view by a scale factor.
Public Properties
Public Property CullingEnabledSpecifies whether or not culling will be used in the display.
Public Property DisplayEnabledSpecifies whether or not a referenced view is displayed.
Public Property DisplayEventsReturns the DisplayEvents object.
Public Property DrawDCReturns the Device Context into which the drawing is done.
Public Property GDIBufferModifiedSpecified whether or not the GDI buffer has been modified.
Public Property GLDisplayEventsReturns the GLDisplayEvents object.
Public Property RenderEventsReturns the RenderEvents object.
Public Property RenderModeTypeSets and returns the render mode used in this view.
Public Property SectionPlanesEnabledSets and returns the flag in the referenced View object that determines whether section planes will be active.
Public Property SharpnessLevelSets or returns the sharpness level of the display.
Public Property SharpnessLevelCountReturns the maximum sharpness level of the display.
Public Property SilhouettesEnabledSets and returns the flag in the referenced View object that determines whether silhouettes will be displayed in Smooth with VHL overlay render mode.
Public Property StereoAngleSets or returns the half-angle (specified in degrees) between the two displays of a stereoscopic display.
Public Property StereoDeviationSets or returns the planar shift away from the center of the view plane necessary to distinctly focus the two displays of a stereoscopic display.
Public Property StereoEnabledEnables and disables the display state of the referenced View.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property StyleFallbackEnabledSpecifies whether or not style fallback will be used in the display.
Public Property ViewEventsReturns the ViewEvents object.
Public Property ViewStyleSets or returns the view style used in this view.
Public Property WindowReturns the Window object.
See Also

View Object