Solid Edge Draft Type Library
Project Overview
Solid Edge Draft Type Library
Object Model
DraftDocument ObjectSheet ObjectSection ObjectSheet ObjectApplication ObjectAttributeQuery ObjectBlocks CollectionBlockTableEvents ObjectBlockTables CollectionConnectorTableEvents ObjectConnectorTables CollectionDocumentEvents ObjectDraftBendTableEvents ObjectDraftBendTables CollectionDrawingViewEvents ObjectDrawingViewStyles CollectionFeatureControlFrameDataSets CollectionDraftFilePreferences ObjectHighlightSets CollectionHoleTables CollectionModelLinks CollectionApplication ObjectPartsListEvents ObjectPartsLists CollectionSections CollectionSelectSet CollectionSheets CollectionSurfaceFinishSymbolDataSets CollectionTables CollectionTableStyles CollectionUnitsOfMeasure CollectionWeldSymbolDataSets CollectionWindows Collection
Class ModuleDescription
BlockRepresents a block.
BlockLabelRepresents a block label.
BlockLabelOccurrenceRepresents an occurrence of a block label in a block occurrence
BlockLabelOccurrencesReturns the BlockLabels collection.
BlockLabelsReturns the BlockLabels collection.
BlockOccurrenceRepresents an occurrence of a block view.
BlockOccurrencesReturns the BlockOccurrences collection.
BlocksBlocks collection.
BlockTableRepresents an occurrence of a BlockTable in a Draft document.
BlockTablesRepresents a collection of BlockTable objects.
BlockViewRepresents a block view.
BlockViewsBlocks collection.
BrokenOutSectionProfileBroken Out Section Profile
BrokenOutSectionProfilesBroken Out Section Profiles Collection
ConnectorTableRepresents an occurrence of a ConnectorTable in a Draft document.
ConnectorTablesRepresents a collection of ConnectorTable objects.
CoordinateSystem2dRepresents an occurrence of a user-defined coordinate system from a 3d model in a DrawingView.
CoordinateSystems2dRepresents a collection of CoordinateSystem2d objects.
CuttingPlanesCutting Planes Collection
DetailEnvelopeProvides methods and properties of a detail view envelope object.
DetailEnvelopesDetail Envelopes Collection
DraftBendTableRepresents an occurrence of a DraftBendTable in a Draft document.
DraftBendTablesRepresents a collection of DraftBendTable objects.
DraftDocumentRepresents the data file that typically contains drafting information, such as part and assembly views, dimensions, annotation, and so forth.
DraftFilePreferencesGet and set file level preferences.
DraftPrintUtilityAn object that is sued to print one or more Draft files.
DraftProfileDraft Profile Object
DrawingViewA 2-D representation of a 3-D part or assembly model.
DrawingViewsRepresents a collecion of DrawingView objects.
DVArc2dA part or assembly derived arc in the DrawingView.
DVArcs2dA collection of DVArc2d objects.
DVBSplineCurve2dA part or assembly derived b-spline curve in the DrawingView.
DVBSplineCurves2dA collection of BSplineCurve2d objects.
DVCircle2dA part or assembly derived circle in the DrawingView.
DVCircles2dA collection of DVCircle2d objects.
DVEllipse2dA part or assembly derived ellipse in the DrawingView.
DVEllipses2dA collection of DVEllipse2d objects.
DVEllipticalArc2dA part or assembly derived elliptical arc in the DrawingView.
DVEllipticalArcs2dA collection of DVEllipticalArc2d objects.
DVLine2dA part or assembly derived line in the DrawingView.
DVLines2dA collection of DVLine2d objects.
DVLineString2dA part or assembly derived linestring in the DrawingView.
DVLineStrings2dA collection of DVLineString2d objects.
DVPoint2dA part or assembly derived point in the DrawingView.
DVPoints2dA collection of DVPoint2d objects.
GraphicMembersRepresents a collecion of GraphicMember objects.
HighlightDrawingViewMembersHighlight Drawing View Members
HoleTableRepresents an instance of a Hole Table in an associated DraftDocument object.
HoleTablesRepresents a collection of HoleTable objects.
HTHoleRepresents an occurrence of a hole characteristic in a hole table entry.
HTHolesRepresents a collection of HTHole objects.
ModelLinkRepresents a member of the ModelLinks collection object.
ModelLinksRepresents a collection of ModelLink objects.
ModelMemberA part or assembly model member in the DrawingView.
ModelMembersRepresents a collecion of ModelMember objects.
ModelNodeRepresents the relationship between a drawing view and a part, assembly, or weld.
ModelNodesRepresents a collection of ModelNode objects.
ModelWeldRepresents an occurrence of a Weld feature.
ModelWeldsRepresents a collection of ModelWeld objects.
PartsListRepresents an occurrence of a PartsList in a Draft document.
PartsListsRepresents a collection of PartsList objects.
SectionA partition in a document that contains a list of sheets that belong to the partition.
SectionBoundaries2dA collection of Boundary2d objects.
SectionsRepresents a collection of Section objects.
SectionSheetsRepresents a collection of sheets that exist in a section.
SelectedSheetsRepresents a collection of currently selected sheets.
SheetRepresents a sheet in a document.
SheetGroupA group of working sheets.
SheetGroupsA collection of sheet groups.
SheetGroupSheetsA collection of working sheets belonging to a sheet group.
SheetsA collection of Sheet objects.
SheetSetupRepresents a sheet setup description.
SheetWindowA 2-D view type that displays sheets and has a tab user interface.
TableThe Table object provides access to all of the objects and properties associated with a generic table.
TableCellThe TableCell object provides access to all of the objects and properties associated with a generic table cell.
TableColumnThe TableColumn object provides access to all of the objects and properties associated with a generic table column.
TableColumnsThe TableColumns collection object supports the standard collection interfaces and includes a method to add new generic table columns to the collection.
TableGroupAn object in the Groups object collection.
TableGroupsA collection of Group objects.
TablePagesCollection of Table Page objects.
TableRowThe TableRow object provides access to all of the objects and properties associated with a generic table row.
TableRowsThe TableRows collection object supports the standard collection interfaces and includes a method to add new generic table rows to the collection.
TablesThe Tables collection object supports the standard collection interfaces and includes a method to add new generic tables to the collection.
TableTitleThe TableTitle object provides access to all the objects and properties associated with a generic table title.
TableTitlesThe TableTitles collection object supports the standard collection interfaces and includes a method to add new generic table titles to the collection.
ViewPlaneProvides methods and properties that extend to an auxiliary DrawingView object.
ViewPlanesView Planes Collection
Public Enumerations
AssemblyDrawingViewTypeConstantsAssembly Drawing View Type Constants
BlockLabelOriginLocationConstantsBlock Label Origin Location Constants
CleanProfileOptionsThe options available for cleaning profiles.
CoordinateSystem2dAxisConstantsCoordinate Systems 2d Axis Constants
DetailEnvelopeStandardConstantsEnumerates the standards used to display the detail envelope.
DimWeldBeadWeldImportConstantsWeld Bead Weld Imports
DimWeldBeadWeldmentShapeConstantsWeld Bead Weldment Shapes
DimWeldBeadWeldmentTypeConstantsWeld Bead Weldment Types
DimWeldBeadWeldStandardConstantsWeld Bead Weld Standards
DimWeldBeadWeldTypeConstantsWeld Bead Weld Types
DraftGlobalConstantsDraft Global Constants
DraftPrintOrientationConstantsOrientation of print output - portrait or landscape.
DraftPrintPaperSizeConstantsCommon printer paper sizes
DraftPrintScaleTooLargeActionConstantsDefines what action will be taken when printing a sheet that will not fit on the selected paper size.
DraftPrintSheetsPerPageConstantsNumber of sheets to be printed per page.
DraftPrintUnitsConstantsUnits for Draft Print Utility options.
DrawingViewBsplineSimplificationConstantsDrawingView Bspline Simplification Constants
DrawingViewDefaultsConstantsSpecifies the defaults for drawing view creation using AddEmptyView.
DrawingViewEdgeStyleMappingEdgeTypeDrawing view edge type used to get or set its edge style
DrawingViewIntersectionProcessingConstantsDrawingView Intersection Processing Constants
DrawingViewProjectionAngleConstantsSpecifies first or third angle projection drawing view preference
DrawingViewShadingQualityConstantsDrawing View Shading Quality Constants
DrawingViewSimplifiedAssemblyOptionConstantsSpecifies how simplified assemblies will be used in the drawing view.
DrawingViewSimplifiedPartOptionConstantsSpecifies how simplified parts will be used in the drawing view.
DrawingViewSnapShotQualityConstantsDrawingView SnapShot/Draft Quality Constants
DrawingViewStyleMappingElementTypeDrawing view type used to get or set the style name to use when creating drawing views of the specified type.
DrawingViewTypeConstantsDrawing View Type Constants
DrawingViewVHL_ToleranceOverrideQualityConstantsDrawingView VHL Tolerance Constants
DVShowHideEdgeOverrideTypeShow/Hide edge override types
DVThreadDisplayModeConstantsSpecifies drawing view thread display preference
FoldTypeConstantsFold Type Constants
GraphicMemberEdgeTypeConstantsGraphicMember Edge Type Constants
GridDisplayOptionsConstantsOptions for displaying the grid.
GridSnapOptionsConstantsOptions for snapping to the grid.
HTHoleTypeConstantsH T Hole Type Constants
ModelLinkTypeConstantsModelLink Constants
ModelMemberComponentTypeConstantsModelMember Type Constants
ModelMemberDisplayTypeConstantsModelMember Display Type Constants
ModelNodeTypeConstantsModel Node Type Constants
PaperSizeConstantsPredefined Values for Paper Size
PaperToModelScaleConstantsPredefined Values for Paper Scale
PaperUnitConstantsPredefined Values for Paper Units
PartDrawingViewTypeConstantsPart Drawing View Type Constants
PrecisionConstantsPredefined Values for Paper Unit Precision
SheetFitConstantsSheet Fit Constants
SheetMetalDrawingViewTypeConstantsSheet Metal Drawing View Type Constants
SheetSectionTypeConstantsSheet Section Type Constants
ViewOrientationConstantsView orientation constants
WeldmentDrawingViewTypeConstantsWeldment Drawing View Type Constants