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Cascade Release
[Enterprise Process Modeling]

Detailed Description

The Cascade Release functions provide you with the capability to: You must include the header file cr.h in your source code.

CR functions have been specially developed for CR. Using these functions with other EPM applications, procedures and tasks can result in unpredictable behavior and could cause loss of data.


Release Status

EPMTask Related





Define Documentation

#define CR_comment_size_c   240

Definition at line 53 of file cr.h.

#define CR_perform_signoffs_task   "perform-signoffs"

Definition at line 45 of file cr.h.

#define CR_select_signoff_team_task   "select-signoff-team"

Definition at line 44 of file cr.h.

Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 47 of file cr.h.

Function Documentation

EPM_API int CR_add_release_status ( tag_t  job,
tag_t  release_status 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_add_release_status_to_process
Adds release status to the list of release status objects for the given job.
job  (I)
release_status  (I)

EPM_API int CR_add_reviewers ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int  n_groupmembers,
tag_t groupmembers 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_add_reviewers
Adds array of specified reviewers to the given release level of the given job. A reviewer is basically a groupmember who is responsible for performing signoff. In other words, he is responsible for approving or rejecting the job.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
n_groupmembers  (I)
groupmembers  (I) n_groupmembers

EPM_API int CR_ask_accessor_tags ( const char *  group_name,
logical  allow_sub_groups,
const char *  role_name,
int *  num_accessors,
tag_t **  accessors 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_accessor_tags
group_name  (I)
allow_sub_groups  (I)
role_name  (I)
num_accessors  (O)
accessors  (OF) num_accessors

EPM_API int CR_ask_decision ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
tag_t  user,
CR_signoff_decision_t decision,
char  comments[CR_comment_size_c+1],
date_t decision_date 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_decision
Returns the decision, comments and decision date from when the given user performed a signoff. If no decision has been made, then CR_no_decision will be returned.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
user  (I)
decision  (O)
comments  (O)
decision_date  (O)

EPM_API int CR_ask_decision2 ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
tag_t  user,
CR_signoff_decision_t decision,
char **  comments,
date_t decision_date 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_decision
Returns the decision, comments and decision date from when the given user performed a signoff. If no decision has been made, then CR_no_decision will be returned.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
user  (I)
decision  (O)
comments  (OF)
decision_date  (O)

EPM_API int CR_ask_group_release_procedures ( const char *  group_name,
int *  count,
char ***  release_procedure_names 

Returns a list of the names of release procedures that are being used in the given group.

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use either EPM_ask_workflow_templates_base or EPM_ask_workflow_templates
The user is responsible for freeing the memory for the array of release level names. Call MEM_free to free memory for the entire list. This call to MEM_free also frees the memory for the individual strings at the same time.
        char** names;
        int n;

        CR_ask_group_release_procedures(group_name, &n, &names);

group_name  (I)
count  (O)
release_procedure_names  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_if_released ( tag_t  workspace_object,
int *  is_released 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_if_released
workspace_object  (I)
is_released  (O)

EPM_API int CR_ask_job ( tag_t  target_object,
int *  count,
tag_t **  jobs 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_active_job_for_target
Returns list of jobs for which the given object is one of the target objects in the job. Only the jobs which are in process are returned. Those jobs that are already completed are not listed.
target_object  (I)
count  (O)
jobs  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_procedure_access ( char *  release_procedure_name,
char *  release_level_name,
int *  no_of_accessors,
char ***  group_names,
char ***  role_names,
int **  access_codes 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_template_access
Get the following information about accessors in a specified release procedure level: number of accessors, groups to which accessors belong, roles to which accessors belong, and the access each accessor has to the target object.
release_procedure_name  (I) Name of the release procedure
release_level_name  (I) Release level
no_of_accessors  (O) Total number of accessors
group_names  (OF) no_of_accessors Strings giving accessor groups. MEM_free this list of strings.
role_names  (OF) no_of_accessors Strings giving accessor roles. MEM_free this list of strings.
access_codes  (OF) no_of_accessors Values giving access list for each accessor. MEM_free this list. Go to Access Masks for additional information about constructing access masks.

EPM_API int CR_ask_procedure_release_levels ( const char *  release_procedure_name,
int *  count,
char ***  release_level_names 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_all_subtask_templates
Returns a list of the names of all release levels for the given release procedure.

The user is responsible for freeing the memory for the array of release level names. Call MEM_free to free memory for the entire list. This call to MEM_free also frees the memory for the individual strings at the same time.
        char** names;
        int n;

        CR_ask_procedure_release_levels(release_procedure_names, &n, &names);

release_procedure_name  (I)
count  (O)
release_level_names  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_quorum ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int *  quorum 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_quorum
Returns minimum number of signoffs (approvals) required to complete the task specified by input release level of the given job.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
quorum  (O)

EPM_API int CR_ask_release_statuses ( tag_t  job,
int *  count,
tag_t **  release_status_objects 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_release_statuses
Returns the list of release status objects for the given job. Release status objects contain effectivity and release information that will be applied to the target objects.
job  (I)
count  (O)
release_status_objects  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_required_reviewer_types ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int *  count,
tag_t **  required_accessors 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_required_reviewer_types
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
count  (O)
required_accessors  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_reviewers ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int *  count,
tag_t **  groupmembers 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_reviewers
CR_ask_reviewers ITK behavior has changed. Since V7.0 and the introduction of ResourcePool assignments, signoffs can be assigned to GroupMember objects OR ResourcePool objects that have no user tag. As this ITK can be used to cycle through the reviewers returned and get decisions etc, the release level ITK has been modified to tolerate ResourcePool Objects. However in your own code you must not assume you will get a groupmember tag and should accommodate the possibility of a ResourcePool tag being returned. A common error is that code tries to get the user tag from the returned tag and a ResourcePool object has no user tag. There is safer ITK to use instead now that is explicit about the type of reviewer assigned to the signoff objects. The safer alternative is to get the Signoff object attachments via the EPM_ask_attachments found in epm.h and then ask each Signoff object returned, what type it is via the EPM_ask_signoff_member found in signoff.h. That way you know whether the reviewer is a GroupMember or ResourcePool and make the appropriate subsequent calls.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
count  (O)
groupmembers  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_ask_task_reviewers_group_member ( const tag_t  task_tag,
int *  group_member_count,
tag_t **  group_members 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_task_reviewers_group_member
CR_ask_task_reviewers_group_member ITK is temporary, We recommend that you don't use it. It will only return GroupMember assignments and will not return ResourcePool assignments as they have no user tag. It is intended for functionality that needs to skip the ResourcePool signoff assignments, such as mail notification. The safer alternative is to get the Signoff object attachments via the EPM_ask_attachments found in epm.h and then ask each Signoff object returned, what type it is via the EPM_ask_signoff_member found in signoff.h. That way you know whether the reviewer is a GroupMember or ResourcePool and make the appropriate subsequent calls.
task_tag  (I)
group_member_count  (O)
group_members  (OF) group_member_count

EPM_API int CR_ask_task_reviewers_resource_pool ( const tag_t  task_tag,
int *  res_pool_count,
tag_t **  res_pool_tags 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_task_reviewers_resource_pool
CR_ask_task_reviewers_resource_pool ITK is temporary, We recommend that you don't use it. It will only return ResourcePool assignments and will not return GroupMembers assignments. The safer alternative is to get the Signoff object attachments via the EPM_ask_attachments found in epm.h and then ask each Signoff object returned, what type it is via the EPM_ask_signoff_member found in signoff.h. That way you know whether the reviewer is a GroupMember or ResourcePool and make the appropriate subsequent calls.
task_tag  (I)
res_pool_count  (O)
res_pool_tags  (OF) res_pool_count

EPM_API int CR_ask_task_reviewers_users ( const tag_t  task_tag,
int *  user_count,
tag_t **  users 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_task_reviewers_users
CR_ask_task_reviewers_users ITK is temporary, We recommend that you don't use it. It will only return GroupMember assignment's user tags and will not return ResourcePool assignments as they have no user tag. It is intended for functionality that needs to skip the ResourcePool signoff assignments, such as mail notification. The safer alternative is to get the Signoff object attachments via the EPM_ask_attachments found in epm.h and then ask each Signoff object returned, what type it is via the EPM_ask_signoff_member found in signoff.h. That way you know whether the reviewer is a GroupMember or ResourcePool and make the appropriate subsequent calls.
task_tag  (I)
user_count  (O)
users  (OF) user_count

EPM_API int CR_ask_task_undecided_reviewers_users ( const tag_t  task_tag,
int *  user_count,
tag_t **  users 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_task_undecided_reviewers_users
CR_ask_task_undecided_reviewers_users ITK is temporary, We recommend that you don't use it. It will only return GroupMember assignment's user tags and will not return ResourcePool assignments as they have no user tag. It is intended for functionality that needs to skip the ResourcePool signoff assignments, such as mail notification. The safer alternative is to get the Signoff object attachments via the EPM_ask_attachments found in epm.h and then ask each Signoff object returned, what type it is via the EPM_ask_signoff_member found in signoff.h. That way you know whether the reviewer is a GroupMember or ResourcePool and make the appropriate subsequent calls.
task_tag  (I)
user_count  (O)
users  (OF) user_count

EPM_API int CR_ask_unassigned_reviewer_types ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int *  count,
tag_t **  unassigned_accessors 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_ask_unassigned_reviewer_types
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
count  (O)
unassigned_accessors  (OF) count

EPM_API int CR_exit_module ( void   ) 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. There is no replacement.

EPM_API int CR_find_status_type ( const char *  status_type,
tag_t status 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_find_status_type
Returns the status_type object of the given name.
status_type  (I)
status  (O)

EPM_API int CR_init_module ( void   ) 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. There is no replacement.

EPM_API int CR_reassign_reviewer ( tag_t  release_level,
tag_t  new_groupmember,
tag_t  signoff 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_delegate_signoff
This function will reassign the signoff passed as the signoff argument to the new_groupmember argument. The release level provides the context of the signoff object.
release_level  (I)
new_groupmember  (I)
signoff  (I)

EPM_API int CR_refresh_job ( tag_t  job  ) 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_refresh_job
Reloads the job and all of the tasks in the job. If any other ITK or Workspace sessions have modified the job since it was last loaded, then calling this function assures that all values asked for will be the most current values in the database.

This function is called automatically before a change is made to a task, so it is only needed before calling a CR_ask_xxx function.
job  (I)

EPM_API int CR_remove_release_status ( tag_t  job,
tag_t  release_status 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_remove_release_status
Removes the specified release status from the list of release statuses of the job. This also deletes the release_status from the database.
job  (I)
release_status  (I)

EPM_API int CR_remove_reviewers ( tag_t  job,
const char *  release_level_name,
int  n_groupmembers,
tag_t groupmembers 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1. In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_remove_signoffs
Removes specified reviewers from the list of reviewers for the given release level of the given release type. If this release level is already started then this must be called before all of the required reviewers have been added.
job  (I)
release_level_name  (I)
n_groupmembers  (I)
groupmembers  (I) n_groupmembers

EPM_API int CR_remove_status_from_targets ( tag_t  release_status,
tag_t  root_task 

This function is deprecated and will be removed from Tc12.1 In Tc10.1 onwards, please use EPM_remove_status_from_targets
Removes the release status from target objects.
root_task  (I) release status tag (I) root task tag