Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
Tube Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddSegmentAdds a segment to a Tube path.
Public Method BendTableReturns the bend table settings for the referenced Tube object.
Public Method BreakLink
Public Method Freeze
Public Method GetBendRadiusReturns the bend radius between two specified segements for the referenced Tube object.
Public Method GetEndTreatmentReturns end treatment information for the referenced Tube object.
Public Method GetPathSegmentsRelations
Public Method GetTubePropertyNameAndValueByPidRetrieves the localized name and formated value for the tube property specified by the pid.
Public Method IsBendRadiusOverriddenSpecifies whether or not the bend radius between two specified segments uses the global bend radius (returns False) or has been defined for that instance (returns True).
Public Method IsFrozen
Public Method IsLinked
Public Method PathReturns the directory path name of the referenced object.
Public Method RemoveSegmentRemoves a segment from the referenced Tube object.
Public Method SetBendRadiusSpecifies the radius of the bend between two intersecting Segment objects.
Public Method SetEndTreatmentSets end treatment information for the referenced Tube object.
Public Method Thaw
Public Method UpdateTubeFilePropertiesPopulates the new tube properties into an existing tube file for reports and parts lists.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property DefaultBendRadiusSets and returns the default bend radius for the referenced Tube object.
Public Property ExtentEndSpecifies the tube extent end.
Public Property ExtentStartSpecifies the tube extent start.
Public Property InsideAreaReturns the area in square meters (expressed as a Double) of the inside area of the referenced Tube object.
Public Property InsideVolumeReturns the volume in cubic meters (expressed as a Double) of the inside volume of the referenced Tube object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsSolidReturns True if the referenced object encloses a finite, well-defined, volume.
Public Property MaterialSets and returns the material (expressed as an existing FaceStyle object) of the referenced Tube object.
Public Property MinimumFlatLengthSets and returns the minimum allowable length of a straight tube for the referenced Tube object.
Public Property OuterDiameterSets and returns the outer diameter of the referenced Tube object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PartFileNameReturns the fully qualified path name of the Part file associated with the referenced Tube object.
Public Property TubeMaterialSets and returns the material (expressed as an existing FaceStyle object) of the referenced Tube object.
Public Property UsesGlobalBendRadiusSpecifies whether or not the referenced Tube object uses the global bend radius for the associated AssemblyDocument.
Public Property UsesGlobalMinimumFlatLengthSpecifies whether or not the referenced Tube object uses the global minimum flat length for the associated AssemblyDocument.
Public Property UsesGlobalOuterDiameterSpecifies whether or not the referenced Tube object uses the global outer diameter for the associated AssemblyDocument.
Public Property UsesGlobalWallThicknessSpecifies whether or not the referenced Tube object uses the wall thickness for the associated AssemblyDocument.
Public Property WallThicknessSpecifies a wall thickness to be applied to the referenced Tube object.
See Also

Tube Object

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