Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
Path Method
Specifies the number of elements in the Path and Reversed arrays.
Contains the elements that comprise the tube path.
Specifies whether the segment with the corresponding index in the Path array is used by the tube in the reverse direction of its definition (True) or in the true direction of its definition (False).
Returns the directory path name of the referenced object.
Visual Basic
Public Sub Path( _
   ByRef NumElementsInPath As Long, _
   Optional ByRef Path As Variant, _
   Optional ByRef Reversed As Variant _
Specifies the number of elements in the Path and Reversed arrays.
Contains the elements that comprise the tube path.
Specifies whether the segment with the corresponding index in the Path array is used by the tube in the reverse direction of its definition (True) or in the true direction of its definition (False).
This method returns an array of objects in sequence to represent the tube path. A tube path array can contain LineSegment and Layout objects. Because the tube path array can contain more than one type of object, you must check each segment type before manipulating it.
See Also

Tube Object  | Tube Members

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